Abrupt and periodically changes
Investigating Abrupt Changes and Periodically Changes Pattern of Reference Evapotranspiration in Iran with Wavelet Analysis and Moving t Test [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 199-210]
An Experimental Study of Impact of Bridge Pier on Depth of Scour Hole in
Abutment [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Advection-dispersion equation
Laboratory Investigation of Spatial-Dependency of the Dispersivity in Two Kinds of Homogeneous Saturated Sandy Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 187-198]
Aggregate carbon
The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 257-271]
Aggregate stability
The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 257-271]
Aggregate tensile strength
The Effect of Different Na/K Ratios in Soil Solution on Aggregate Tensile Strength and Friability [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 161-174]
Agriculture land use
Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Quality and Clay Mineralogy
in Valarude Region of Zanjan Province [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 305-316]
Effects of Agronomic, Orchard and Forest Land Uses on Soil Quality Index (SQI) in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 141-153]
Assessing Ability of Land for Planting Canola inWest Azerbaijan Province
Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approaches [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 27-41]
Evaluation and Comparison of Soil Fungi Ability in Biodegradation of Crude
Oil from Ahvaz and Omidiyeh's Oil Regions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 239-246]
Air temperatures
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 41-54]
Effects of Six-Leg Elements Row Quantity on Reduction of Cubic Bridge Pier Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 187-200]
Simulating the Effect of Optimal Water Allocation on Groundwater in Monthly Stress Periods (Baghmalek Plain, Khuzestan Province) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 307-320]
Alluvial streams
Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 63-73]
Amino acid
Effect of Ammonium Nitrate and Free Amino Acids on the Nitrate Accumulation in Radish [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 67-78]
Amino cyclopropane carboxylate deaminase
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Wild form and Transformant Pseudomonas mendocina With Enhanced ACC Deaminase Production on Seed Germination and Growth of Tomato and Wheat Plants [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 149-158]
Modeling the Monthly Inflow to Jamishan Dam Reservoir Using Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average and Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Models [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 273-285]
Experimental Investigation of Discharge Coefficient in Prismatic Weir-Gate [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 255-268]
Angle of repose
The Effect of Measurement Method, Size and Shape of Box in Sliding Method on the Angle of Repose of Soil Particles [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 43-58]
Angstrom- Prescott relation
Calibration of Angstrom- Prescott Coefficients for Selected Stations of Khorasan-e Razavi Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
ANSYSY-CFX software
Numerical Investigating Effect of Obstacle’s Upstream Angle and Water Depth
of Reservoir on Controlling Turbidity Current [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 207-219]
Antioxidant enzymes
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Application efficiency
Evaluating and Improving the Sugarcane Furrow Irrigation Management in Khuzestan [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 109-121]
Aquifer vulnerability
Evaluation of Salmas Plain Aquifer Vulnerability to Pollution Using DRASTIC Model and GIS [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 55-67]
Arched Circular-Trapezoidal weir
Investigation of Discharge Coefficient of Compound Arched Circular-Trapezoidal Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 19-39]
Modeling the Monthly Inflow to Jamishan Dam Reservoir Using Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average and Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Models [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 273-285]
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Artificial neural network
Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table
Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Artificial neural network
Estimating Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient of Pollutants in Open Channel
Flows Using Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Artificial neural network
Prediction ofWater Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) using ANN andWavelet
Conjunction Model (Case Study: Rudbar Station of Sefidrud River) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 189-205]
Artificial neural network
Feasibility Study of Data Mining Methods Application to Estimate Aji Chai River’s Water Quality Classification [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 39-51]
Artificial Neural Networks
Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based
Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Artificial Neural Networks
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Trend Analysis of Precipitation in Northern Half of Iran during the Recent Half
of the Century [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 207-224]
Available water content
Interaction Effects of Organic Matters, Earthworm and Compaction on Pore Size Distribution and Moisture Coefficients of Two Fine and Coarse-textured Soils [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 281-293]
Effects of Nitrogen on Growth and Some Morphological Traits of Inoculated
Savory Plant (Satureja hortensis L.) with Azospirillum irakense and
Pseudomonas putida [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 79-91]
Azospirillum sp
Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and PGPRs on Growth
Parameters and Nutrient Uptake of Sesame Seedling (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Azotobacter sp
Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and PGPRs on Growth
Parameters and Nutrient Uptake of Sesame Seedling (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Baghmalek plain
Simulating the Effect of Optimal Water Allocation on Groundwater in Monthly Stress Periods (Baghmalek Plain, Khuzestan Province) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 307-320]
Estimating Hydrological and Hydrogeological Parameters of Watershed Using SWAT Model (Case study: Balukhlu-chay Basin) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Balance time
Experimental Study of Drainage Water Salinity Changes at Intervals and
Various Depths of Drain in the Presence of Saline Groundwater [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 139-150]
Balukhlu-chay Basin
Estimating Hydrological and Hydrogeological Parameters of Watershed Using SWAT Model (Case study: Balukhlu-chay Basin) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Bam Plain
Adaptive Evaluation of SPI, RDI and SDI Indices in Analyzing the Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Characteristics
(Case Study: Bam Plain) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Bar Arye watershed
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 159-172]
Bayesian networks
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to
Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 69-78]
Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 63-73]
Bed load
Numerical Modeling of Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in Alluvial River
(Case Study: Gharasoo River in Kermanshah province) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 35-49]
Bed shear stress
Comparison of Turbulence Models for Estimation of Bed Shear Stress Around
Bridge Abutment in Compound Channel [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 95-109]
Bed shear stress
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Bed shear stress
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inflow Froude Number on Flow Pattern in Expansive Gradual Transitions in Open Channels [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 97-108]
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Kinetics and Isotherm of Nitrate Sorption from Aqueous Solution Using Biochar [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 145-158]
Effect of Biochar on Lead and Cadmium Uptake from Applied Paper Factory
Sewage Sludge by Sunflower (Heliantus annus L.) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Evaluation and Comparison of Soil Fungi Ability in Biodegradation of Crude
Oil from Ahvaz and Omidiyeh's Oil Regions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 239-246]
Isolation and Study of Indigenous Bacteria of the Contaminated Soils in Southern of Tehran Oil Refinery plant for Bioremediation of Oil ontaminations [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 175-185]
The Effect of Zinc Sulfate on Biofortification and Morphological Changes in Spring Wheat [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 277-292]
Isolation and Study of Indigenous Bacteria of the Contaminated Soils in Southern of Tehran Oil Refinery plant for Bioremediation of Oil ontaminations [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 175-185]
Biosurfactant Production by Pseudomonas putida1694 in Various Carbon Sources [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 185-198]
Black relation
Calibration of Angstrom- Prescott Coefficients for Selected Stations of Khorasan-e Razavi Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
Determination of the Best Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Model for Estimating Grass Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Coastal
Semi-arid Climate of Hormozgan [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 239-258]
Blue water
Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Bootstrap based ANN
Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based
Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 25-37]
Borda count social choice method
Multi-Objective Optimization of Detention Rockfill Dam Characteristics
Considering Hydraulic Conditions and Application of Borda Count Social
Choice and Nash- Harsanyi Bargaining Models [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 13-25]
Experimental Investigation of Scour around Inclined Bridge Piers Group
Based on Piles Group [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 135-147]
Bridge abutment
Experimental Investigation of Collar Performance with Rough Surface on Local
Scour Reduction around Bridge Abutment with Rectangular Section [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 213-223]
Bridge abutment
Comparison of Turbulence Models for Estimation of Bed Shear Stress Around
Bridge Abutment in Compound Channel [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 95-109]
Bridge abutment
Effect of Density and Depth of Six-Legged Elements Placement on Rectangular Abutment Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 119-135]
Bridges abutment
An Experimental Study of Impact of Bridge Pier on Depth of Scour Hole in
Abutment [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Bridges pier
An Experimental Study of Impact of Bridge Pier on Depth of Scour Hole in
Abutment [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Bromus tomentellus
Effects of Hedysarum criniferum Boiss. as a Plant Symbiotic With Nitrogen Fixers on Some Chemical Properties of the Soil [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 129-140]
Brooks and Corey
Comparison of Fractal and Rosetta Approaches for Estimation of Soil Water Retention Curve [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 193-205]
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Calcareous soil
An Investigation of Phosphorus Dynamics in a Calcareous Soil Treated with Different Levels of Poultry Manure and Chemical Fertilizer [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 293-303]
Calcareous soil
Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 157-169]
Calcareous soil
Determining Coefficients of Some Water Infiltration Models in Two Calcareous Soils of Bajgah Region in Fars Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 171-183]
Calcareous soils
Determination of Iron Fractions and their Relations with Soil properties in Some Soils of East Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 205-215]
Calcium phosphates
An Investigation of Phosphorus Dynamics in a Calcareous Soil Treated with Different Levels of Poultry Manure and Chemical Fertilizer [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 293-303]
Effect of Underground Dam Construction on Discharge of Qanats,
Using MODFLOW Model (Case Study: Soofi - Makoo) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 295-305]
Estimating Hydrological and Hydrogeological Parameters of Watershed Using SWAT Model (Case study: Balukhlu-chay Basin) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Calibration and validation
Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 201-214]
Simulation of Unsteady Flow in Irrigation Canals Using CanalMan Model
(Case Study: AMC Canal of Tabriz Plain Irrigation Network) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 287-298]
Assessing Ability of Land for Planting Canola inWest Azerbaijan Province
Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approaches [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 27-41]
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Canopy temperature
Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize
Using Saline Water in Ahvaz [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 173-185]
The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 257-271]
Carbon source
Biosurfactant Production by Pseudomonas putida1694 in Various Carbon Sources [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 185-198]
Cation exchange capacity
The Influence of Free Swelling Index on Improvement of the Soil Moisture
Curve Estimation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 93-113]
Central composite design
Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 299-324]
Chemical Fe Forms
Determination of Iron Fractions and their Relations with Soil properties in Some Soils of East Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 205-215]
Chemical forms
Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 157-169]
Chemical parameters of water
Basin and Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Methods of Dams (Case study: Shirin Darreh Dam) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 211-227]
Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Physiological
Parameters of Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) UnderWater Deficit Conditions [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 51-66]
Circular channel
Numerical Simulation of Flow Free Surface and Field in Circular Channel along
the SideWeir in Subcritical Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectrometry Device in Saline Clay and Sandy
Soils [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 43-52]
Clay Dispersion
Effect of Different Magnesium Concentration inWater on Soil Characteristics
and Determining the Critical Concentration [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 255-265]
Clay mineralogy
Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Quality and Clay Mineralogy
in Valarude Region of Zanjan Province [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 305-316]
Clay mineralogy
Organic Matter Quality and Clay Mineral Type of Soils on a Catena in
Deilaman Region of Guilan Province [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 161-172]
Assessing Ability of Land for Planting Canola inWest Azerbaijan Province
Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approaches [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 27-41]
Climate Change
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Application of the Fuzzy Sets Theory and FAO Method on Suitability and
Clustering of Land Units in Marand region for Sunflower and Canola Products [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 273-2902]
Estimating and Evaluating the Trends of Annual Refrence Eevapotranspiration based on Influential Climatic Parameters in the North East of Iran [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 257-269]
Collision angle of flow
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 123-133]
Combined stresses
Developing and Evaluating some Derived Models for Modeling Simultaneous Water and Nitrogen Deficit Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 287-299]
Compound pier
Numerical Modeling of Flow Field around Bridge Pier with Compound
Geometry [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Confined compression
Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 243-256]
Effect of Consolidation on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in a Clayey Soil [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 119-132]
Hydrogeochemistry Studies and Assessment of Groundwater Quality Varations in Sngan-Khaf Plain Using GQI Index [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 325-336]
Copper mine
The Relationships between Cu Contamination and Soil Characteristics in
Downstream of Mazra’eh Copper Mine (Ahar-East Azarbaijan) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 95-112]
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium on Uptake of Some Micronutrients by Corn in a Cd-contaminated Soil under Water Deficit Stress Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 105-117]
Critical submergence
Effect of Dimensions and Mesh Type of Anti-Vortex Horizontal Plates on Critical Submergence Reduction of Vertical Intakes [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 167-178]
Crop coefficient
Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to
Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 69-78]
Crop coefficient
Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 25-37]
Crop water stress index
Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize
Using Saline Water in Ahvaz [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 173-185]
The Effect of Different Na/K Ratios in Soil Solution on Aggregate Tensile Strength and Friability [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 161-174]
Cross correlation function
Adaptive Evaluation of SPI, RDI and SDI Indices in Analyzing the Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Characteristics
(Case Study: Bam Plain) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Crude oil
Evaluation and Comparison of Soil Fungi Ability in Biodegradation of Crude
Oil from Ahvaz and Omidiyeh's Oil Regions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 239-246]
Crump weir
Modeling Crump Weir Discharge Coefficient Using Machine Learning Methods [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
The Effect of Organic and Phosphorus Fertilizers Application on Chromium VI Accumulation in the Radish Irrigated with Contaminated Water [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 79-90]
Cubic bridge pier
Effects of Six-Leg Elements Row Quantity on Reduction of Cubic Bridge Pier Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 187-200]
CXTFIT2.1 Software
Laboratory Investigation of Spatial-Dependency of the Dispersivity in Two Kinds of Homogeneous Saturated Sandy Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 187-198]
Physiological Study of Soil-Born Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields in Guilan and
Application of Efficient Strains in Improving Growth and Yield of Rice [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 247-258]
Damask rose
Site Speciation of Susceptible Strata for Damask Rose Cultivation
(Case Study: Sarab Medicinal and Industrial Plants Seed Production Station) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 197-212]
Darcy-weisbach coefficient
Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Height, Density and Arrangement
of Artificial Roughness Elements on Manning Roughness Coefficient [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 67-80]
Relation between Soil Evolution and Landforms Diversity in Dasht-E-Tabriz [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 191-204]
Site Speciation of Susceptible Strata for Damask Rose Cultivation
(Case Study: Sarab Medicinal and Industrial Plants Seed Production Station) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 197-212]
Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Evaluation of Weather Droughts of Iran Using
the Herbst Method [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 127-143]
Prediction of Evaporation Potential through Data De-noising in Tabriz Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Detention rockfill dam
Multi-Objective Optimization of Detention Rockfill Dam Characteristics
Considering Hydraulic Conditions and Application of Borda Count Social
Choice and Nash- Harsanyi Bargaining Models [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 13-25]
Deviation from optimum percentage (DOP)
Application of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) to Determine the Nutritional Balance of Sour Lemon Gardens in Hormozgan Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 243-255]
Dielectric constant
Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectrometry Device in Saline Clay and Sandy
Soils [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 43-52]
Different Levels Irrigation
Effects of Different Irrigation Levels and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Morphological Traits and Grain Yield of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Landraces [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 83-95]
Experimental Study of Drainage Water Salinity Changes at Intervals and
Various Depths of Drain in the Presence of Saline Groundwater [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 139-150]
Developing a New Method for Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Sluice Gates under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 207-221]
Discharge coefficient
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of Parabolic Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 57-67]
Discharge coefficient
Determination of Discharge Coefficient in Gabion Weirs at Free and Submerged
Condition [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Discharge coefficient
Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and
Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 145-159]
Discharge coefficient
Experimental Investigation of Discharge Coefficient in Prismatic Weir-Gate [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 255-268]
Discharge coefficient
Modeling Crump Weir Discharge Coefficient Using Machine Learning Methods [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Discharge coefficient
Investigation of Discharge Coefficient of Compound Arched Circular-Trapezoidal Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 19-39]
Discharge equation
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of Parabolic Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 57-67]
Dispersible clay
The Effect of Different Na/K Ratios in Soil Solution on Aggregate Tensile Strength and Friability [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 161-174]
Dispersion coefficient
Laboratory Investigation of Spatial-Dependency of the Dispersivity in Two Kinds of Homogeneous Saturated Sandy Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 187-198]
Distribution uniformity
Evaluating and Improving the Sugarcane Furrow Irrigation Management in Khuzestan [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 109-121]
Comparing of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) Method and Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) for Nutritional Balances of Onion (Allium cepa L.) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 271-286]
Double rings
Determining Coefficients of Some Water Infiltration Models in Two Calcareous Soils of Bajgah Region in Fars Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 171-183]
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
The Effect of Climate Change on Flood Frequency of Kelardasht Basin using K-nn and HadCM3 Model [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 211-221]
Evaluation of Salmas Plain Aquifer Vulnerability to Pollution Using DRASTIC Model and GIS [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 55-67]
Drinking water quality
Groundwater Quality Ranking of Sarab Plain for Drinking Purpose Using Entropy Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Comparing of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) Method and Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) for Nutritional Balances of Onion (Allium cepa L.) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 271-286]
Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Evaluation of Weather Droughts of Iran Using
the Herbst Method [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 127-143]
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level in Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain and its Relationship with Drought [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 143-155]
Dry farming
Effect of Land Use Change from Rangeland to Agricultural Land on Soil
Fertility in Taftan Region [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 31-44]
East Azerbaijan
Determination of Iron Fractions and their Relations with Soil properties in Some Soils of East Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 205-215]
Eisenia fetida
Interaction Effects of Organic Matters, Earthworm and Compaction on Pore Size Distribution and Moisture Coefficients of Two Fine and Coarse-textured Soils [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 281-293]
Electrical conductivity
Experimental Study of Drainage Water Salinity Changes at Intervals and
Various Depths of Drain in the Presence of Saline Groundwater [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 139-150]
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Empirical equations
Modeling of Flow Friction Factor in Irrigation Pipes using Machine Learning
Methods and Comparing with Empirical Equations [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Energy dissipation
Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 155-165]
Energy dissipation
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Energy dissipation
Experimental Study of Flip Bucket Effect at the End of Ogee Spillway on Energy Dissipation and Jet Length [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 133-142]
Energy dissipation
Hydraulic Jump in Stilling Basins with Perforated and Continuous Sills [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 183-192]
Enrichment factor
Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Soils of Zanjan Industrial Region [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 223-236]
Entropy weight
Groundwater Quality Ranking of Sarab Plain for Drinking Purpose Using Entropy Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Experimental Study of Drainage Water Salinity Changes at Intervals and
Various Depths of Drain in the Presence of Saline Groundwater [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 139-150]
Environmental friendly polymer
Comparing the Influence of Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyle Acetate on Improving Soil Physical Properties and Wheat Germination in Marl Formations [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 91-104]
Numerical Modeling of Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in Alluvial River
(Case Study: Gharasoo River in Kermanshah province) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 35-49]
Escherichia coli
The Influence of Irrigation with Raw and Treated Municipal Wastewater on Wheat Yield and Microbial Characteristics of Soil and Plant [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 215-228]
Comparing Regression and Artificial Intelligence Models for Estimating Soil Exchangeable
Sodium Percentage from Sodium Absorption Ratio
(Case Study: Miankangi Region Soils, Sistan) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 125-137]
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Unsaturated Hydraulic
Conductivity Curves of Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 243-256]
Basin and Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Methods of Dams (Case study: Shirin Darreh Dam) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 211-227]
Evaporation potential
Prediction of Evaporation Potential through Data De-noising in Tabriz Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Factor analysis
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
FAO-56 Penman-Monteith
Determination of the Best Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Model for Estimating Grass Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Coastal
Semi-arid Climate of Hormozgan [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 239-258]
FAO method
Comparison and Improvement of Surface Irrigation Design Methods
(Case Study Furrow Irrigation) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 53-66]
FAO Penman-Monteith
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 41-54]
Finite element
Numerical Investigation of Foundation Drains Performance
in Decreasing Uplift Force of Concrete Gravity Dams [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 113-125]
Fixed-Base piling method
The Effect of Measurement Method, Size and Shape of Box in Sliding Method on the Angle of Repose of Soil Particles [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 43-58]
Flip bucket
Experimental Study of Flip Bucket Effect at the End of Ogee Spillway on Energy Dissipation and Jet Length [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 133-142]
Flood probability
Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 201-214]
Numerical Modeling of Flow Field around Bridge Pier with Compound
Geometry [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Flow-3D model
Comparison of Turbulence Models for Estimation of Bed Shear Stress Around
Bridge Abutment in Compound Channel [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 95-109]
Flow-duration curve
Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verification of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 101-113]
Flow field
Numerical Simulation of Flow Free Surface and Field in Circular Channel along
the SideWeir in Subcritical Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Flow measurement
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of Parabolic Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 57-67]
Flow pattern
Numerical Modeling of Flow Field around Bridge Pier with Compound
Geometry [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Flow pattern
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inflow Froude Number on Flow Pattern in Expansive Gradual Transitions in Open Channels [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 97-108]
Fluent model
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inflow Froude Number on Flow Pattern in Expansive Gradual Transitions in Open Channels [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 97-108]
FLUENT software
Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 155-165]
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Effects of Agronomic, Orchard and Forest Land Uses on Soil Quality Index (SQI) in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 141-153]
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Forest soil
Derivation of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Penetration Resistance,
Aggregate Stability and Parameters of van Genuchten Moisture Curve Model in
Fandoglou Forest Lands of Ardabil [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 129-148]
Forest soil
Study on Some Soil Properties as Affected by Different Slope Position and
Aspect in Mountainous Landform with Different Parent Materials in Masouleh [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Foundation drain
Numerical Investigation of Foundation Drains Performance
in Decreasing Uplift Force of Concrete Gravity Dams [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 113-125]
Fourier analysis
Application of Modified KPSS Test With Fourier Analysis in Stationarity Test of Hydrologic Time Series (Case Study: Lake Urmia Water Level) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 223-234]
Free flow
Developing a New Method for Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Sluice Gates under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 207-221]
Free surface
Numerical Simulation of Flow Free Surface and Field in Circular Channel along
the SideWeir in Subcritical Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Application of Modified KPSS Test With Fourier Analysis in Stationarity Test of Hydrologic Time Series (Case Study: Lake Urmia Water Level) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 223-234]
Frequency ratio
Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 201-214]
Friction Factor
Modeling of Flow Friction Factor in Irrigation Pipes using Machine Learning
Methods and Comparing with Empirical Equations [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Froude Number
Hydraulic Jump in Stilling Basins with Perforated and Continuous Sills [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 183-192]
Froude Number
Effects of Six-Leg Elements Row Quantity on Reduction of Cubic Bridge Pier Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 187-200]
Evaluation and Comparison of Soil Fungi Ability in Biodegradation of Crude
Oil from Ahvaz and Omidiyeh's Oil Regions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 239-246]
Fuzzy logic
Application of the Fuzzy Sets Theory and FAO Method on Suitability and
Clustering of Land Units in Marand region for Sunflower and Canola Products [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 273-2902]
Fuzzy logic
Application of Fuzzy Inference System to Predict the Yield of Potato, Alfalfa and Wheat in Shahr-e-Kian area [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 265-275]
Determination of Discharge Coefficient in Gabion Weirs at Free and Submerged
Condition [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Isolation and Study of Indigenous Bacteria of the Contaminated Soils in Southern of Tehran Oil Refinery plant for Bioremediation of Oil ontaminations [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 175-185]
Gate opening
Experimental Investigation of Discharge Coefficient in Prismatic Weir-Gate [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 255-268]
Gene expression programming
Estimating Free and Submerged Hydraulic Jump’s Length in Horizontal and Slopping Channels Using Support Vector Regression [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 51-62]
Geographic Information System
Evaluation of Salmas Plain Aquifer Vulnerability to Pollution Using DRASTIC Model and GIS [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 55-67]
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Application of One- and Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff and Infiltration Models for Maroon Valley Watershed in Fars Province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 235-248]
Site Speciation of Susceptible Strata for Damask Rose Cultivation
(Case Study: Sarab Medicinal and Industrial Plants Seed Production Station) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 197-212]
Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Soils of Zanjan Industrial Region [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 223-236]
Gharasoo river
Numerical Modeling of Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in Alluvial River
(Case Study: Gharasoo River in Kermanshah province) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 35-49]
Assessing Ability of Land for Planting Canola inWest Azerbaijan Province
Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approaches [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 27-41]
Investigation of Precipitation Sufficiency at Different Phenological Stages of Rainfed Cereals in the Agricultural Lands of Gorgan County by Classic and Geostatistical Interpolation Methods [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 249-263]
Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 201-214]
Hydrogeochemistry Studies and Assessment of Groundwater Quality Varations in Sngan-Khaf Plain Using GQI Index [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 325-336]
Glutamine synthetase
Effect of Ammonium Nitrate and Free Amino Acids on the Nitrate Accumulation in Radish [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 67-78]
Hydrogeochemistry Studies and Assessment of Groundwater Quality Varations in Sngan-Khaf Plain Using GQI Index [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 325-336]
Gradual transition
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inflow Froude Number on Flow Pattern in Expansive Gradual Transitions in Open Channels [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 97-108]
Grain Protein
The Effect of Zinc Sulfate on Biofortification and Morphological Changes in Spring Wheat [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 277-292]
Grain Yield
Effects of Different Irrigation Levels and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Morphological Traits and Grain Yield of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Landraces [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 83-95]
Grain Yield
The Influence of Irrigation with Raw and Treated Municipal Wastewater on Wheat Yield and Microbial Characteristics of Soil and Plant [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 215-228]
Grain Zinc Content
The Effect of Zinc Sulfate on Biofortification and Morphological Changes in Spring Wheat [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 277-292]
Gravity dams
Numerical Investigation of Foundation Drains Performance
in Decreasing Uplift Force of Concrete Gravity Dams [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 113-125]
Green water
Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Grey water
Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level in Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain and its Relationship with Drought [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 143-155]
Groenevelt and Grant’s model
The Influence of Free Swelling Index on Improvement of the Soil Moisture
Curve Estimation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 93-113]
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
Using Statistical and Hydrochemical Models for Qualitative Analysis of Groundwater Resources (Case Study: Mehraban plain, In East Azerbaijan) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 31-50]
Hydrogeochemistry Studies and Assessment of Groundwater Quality Varations in Sngan-Khaf Plain Using GQI Index [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 325-336]
Ground water
Effect of Underground Dam Construction on Discharge of Qanats,
Using MODFLOW Model (Case Study: Soofi - Makoo) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 295-305]
Groundwater simulation
Simulating the Effect of Optimal Water Allocation on Groundwater in Monthly Stress Periods (Baghmalek Plain, Khuzestan Province) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 307-320]
Growth and physiological indices
Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Physiological
Parameters of Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) UnderWater Deficit Conditions [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 51-66]
Growth index
Inoculation Effects of Potassium Releasing Bacteria on K Nutrition of
Tomato in Sand-Muscovite Medium and Identification of Efficient Isolates [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Hammer software
Performance of Water Supply Networks under Water Hammer Phenomenon Based on Sustainability Coefficient
(Case Study: Feridonshahr Water Supply Network) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 59-71]
Haraz City
Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 201-214]
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 41-54]
Determination of the Best Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Model for Estimating Grass Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Coastal
Semi-arid Climate of Hormozgan [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 239-258]
Heavy metal
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium on Uptake of Some Micronutrients by Corn in a Cd-contaminated Soil under Water Deficit Stress Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 105-117]
Heavy metals
Effect of Biochar on Lead and Cadmium Uptake from Applied Paper Factory
Sewage Sludge by Sunflower (Heliantus annus L.) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Heavy metals
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
Heavy metals
Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Soils of Zanjan Industrial Region [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 223-236]
HEC-HMS model
The Effect of Climate Change on Flood Frequency of Kelardasht Basin using K-nn and HadCM3 Model [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 211-221]
Hedysarum criniferum
Effects of Hedysarum criniferum Boiss. as a Plant Symbiotic With Nitrogen Fixers on Some Chemical Properties of the Soil [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 129-140]
Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Evaluation of Weather Droughts of Iran Using
the Herbst Method [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 127-143]
Hole shape
Study of the Vertical Impinging Jet's Dynamic Behavior in Plunge Pool [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 1-11]
Horizontal anti-vortex plates
Effect of Dimensions and Mesh Type of Anti-Vortex Horizontal Plates on Critical Submergence Reduction of Vertical Intakes [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 167-178]
Horseshoe-shaped spillway
Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and
Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 145-159]
Humic acid
The Effect of Organic and Phosphorus Fertilizers Application on Chromium VI Accumulation in the Radish Irrigated with Contaminated Water [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 79-90]
Hydraulic conductivity
Effect of Different Magnesium Concentration inWater on Soil Characteristics
and Determining the Critical Concentration [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 255-265]
Hydraulic conductivity models
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Unsaturated Hydraulic
Conductivity Curves of Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
Hydraulic head
Investigation of Discharge Coefficient of Compound Arched Circular-Trapezoidal Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 19-39]
Hydraulic jump
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Hydraulic jump
Estimating Free and Submerged Hydraulic Jump’s Length in Horizontal and Slopping Channels Using Support Vector Regression [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 51-62]
Hydraulic jump
Hydraulic Jump in Stilling Basins with Perforated and Continuous Sills [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 183-192]
Hydrochemical evolution
Groundwater Quality Ranking of Sarab Plain for Drinking Purpose Using Entropy Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Using Statistical and Hydrochemical Models for Qualitative Analysis of Groundwater Resources (Case Study: Mehraban plain, In East Azerbaijan) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 31-50]
Application of One- and Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff and Infiltration Models for Maroon Valley Watershed in Fars Province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 235-248]
Hydrological model
Application of One- and Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff and Infiltration Models for Maroon Valley Watershed in Fars Province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 235-248]
Hydrological model
Evaluation of SWAT and SVM Models to Simulate the Runoff of Lighvanchay River [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 137-150]
Hydrological modeling
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 159-172]
Hydrological models
Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verification of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 101-113]
Application and Comparison of Parametric Pedotransfer Functions of van
Genuchten Model for Transient Water Flow Simulation in a Cultivated Soil [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 81-94]
HYDRUS 2D software
Evaluation of HYDRUS 2D Software to Estimate StoredWater and Wetting
Pattern of Surface Drip Irrigation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 287-301]
HYDRUS 2D software
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Soil Water Distribution under Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Level and Sloping Layered Soils [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 13-27]
IDW interpolation
Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Evaluation of Weather Droughts of Iran Using
the Herbst Method [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 127-143]
Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 29-42]
Micromorphologic Study of Pores and Porosity of Some Saline-Sodic Soils
in theWest of Urmia Lake using Image Analysis [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 131-143]
Impinging jet
Study of the Vertical Impinging Jet's Dynamic Behavior in Plunge Pool [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 1-11]
Inclined bridge piers group
Experimental Investigation of Scour around Inclined Bridge Piers Group
Based on Piles Group [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 135-147]
Infiltration models
Determining Coefficients of Some Water Infiltration Models in Two Calcareous Soils of Bajgah Region in Fars Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 171-183]
Modeling the Monthly Inflow to Jamishan Dam Reservoir Using Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average and Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Models [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 273-285]
Inflow Froude number
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inflow Froude Number on Flow Pattern in Expansive Gradual Transitions in Open Channels [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 97-108]
Intelligent approaches
Modeling of Flow Friction Factor in Irrigation Pipes using Machine Learning
Methods and Comparing with Empirical Equations [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Interaction effect
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to
Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 69-78]
Evaluation of Different Interpolation Methods in Spatial Estimation of Soil
Properties in Sistan Plain [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 151-162]
Inverse distance weighting
Investigating Abrupt Changes and Periodically Changes Pattern of Reference Evapotranspiration in Iran with Wavelet Analysis and Moving t Test [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Inverse method
Laboratory Investigation of Spatial-Dependency of the Dispersivity in Two Kinds of Homogeneous Saturated Sandy Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 187-198]
Ionic ratio
Using Statistical and Hydrochemical Models for Qualitative Analysis of Groundwater Resources (Case Study: Mehraban plain, In East Azerbaijan) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 31-50]
Irrigation management
Evaluating and Improving the Sugarcane Furrow Irrigation Management in Khuzestan [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 109-121]
Irrigation network
Simulation of Unsteady Flow in Irrigation Canals Using CanalMan Model
(Case Study: AMC Canal of Tabriz Plain Irrigation Network) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 287-298]
Irrigation pipes
Modeling of Flow Friction Factor in Irrigation Pipes using Machine Learning
Methods and Comparing with Empirical Equations [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Irrigation scheduling
Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize
Using Saline Water in Ahvaz [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Irrigation scheduling
Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available
Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 189-206]
Irrigation water quality
The Influence of Irrigation with Raw and Treated Municipal Wastewater on Wheat Yield and Microbial Characteristics of Soil and Plant [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 215-228]
IRS-P6 images
Investigating Potentiality of IRS-P6 Images for Soil Salinity Modeling [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 177-187]
Jet length
Experimental Study of Flip Bucket Effect at the End of Ogee Spillway on Energy Dissipation and Jet Length [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 133-142]
Biosurfactant Production by Pseudomonas putida1694 in Various Carbon Sources [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 185-198]
Keyasar sub watershed
The Role of Land Use Change on Some Soil Physicochemical Properties
(Case Study:Watershed Basin of Keyasar Galooga) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 159-171]
Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 29-42]
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evaluation of Land Suitability for Wheat, Barley, Maize and Sunflower in part of Khoy plain [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 15-29]
Kinematic wave
Application of One- and Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff and Infiltration Models for Maroon Valley Watershed in Fars Province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 235-248]
Kinematic wave
Comparison and Improvement of Surface Irrigation Design Methods
(Case Study Furrow Irrigation) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Kinetic equations
An Investigation of Phosphorus Dynamics in a Calcareous Soil Treated with Different Levels of Poultry Manure and Chemical Fertilizer [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 293-303]
K-nearest neighborhood
Feasibility Study of Data Mining Methods Application to Estimate Aji Chai River’s Water Quality Classification [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 39-51]
K-nearest neighborhood
Modeling Crump Weir Discharge Coefficient Using Machine Learning Methods [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Investigation of Precipitation Sufficiency at Different Phenological Stages of Rainfed Cereals in the Agricultural Lands of Gorgan County by Classic and Geostatistical Interpolation Methods [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 249-263]
Laboratory flume
Investigation of Discharge Coefficient of Compound Arched Circular-Trapezoidal Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 19-39]
Lake Urmia
Application of Modified KPSS Test With Fourier Analysis in Stationarity Test of Hydrologic Time Series (Case Study: Lake Urmia Water Level) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 223-234]
Lake Urmia basin
Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Lands conversion
Effect of Land Use Change from Rangeland to Agricultural Land on Soil
Fertility in Taftan Region [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 31-44]
Land susceptibility
Site Speciation of Susceptible Strata for Damask Rose Cultivation
(Case Study: Sarab Medicinal and Industrial Plants Seed Production Station) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 197-212]
Land unit
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evaluation of Land Suitability for Wheat, Barley, Maize and Sunflower in part of Khoy plain [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 15-29]
Land use
The Role of Land Use Change on Some Soil Physicochemical Properties
(Case Study:Watershed Basin of Keyasar Galooga) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 159-171]
Land use
Effects of Agronomic, Orchard and Forest Land Uses on Soil Quality Index (SQI) in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 141-153]
Land use Changes
Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Quality and Clay Mineralogy
in Valarude Region of Zanjan Province [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 305-316]
Land use management
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Lateral distribution of boundary shear stress
Analysis of Flow in River Cross Section Using Finite Elements Method [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
Lateral velocity distribution
Analysis of Flow in River Cross Section Using Finite Elements Method [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
Least limiting water range
Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 243-256]
Length of hydraulic jump
Estimating Free and Submerged Hydraulic Jump’s Length in Horizontal and Slopping Channels Using Support Vector Regression [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 51-62]
Comparison of Fractal and Rosetta Approaches for Estimation of Soil Water Retention Curve [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 193-205]
Level of pile cap
Experimental Investigation of Scour around Inclined Bridge Piers Group
Based on Piles Group [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 135-147]
Snowmelt Flow Modeling Based on the Modified Penman Monteith Equation [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 269-280]
Linear programming
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Local scour
Experimental Investigation of Collar Performance with Rough Surface on Local
Scour Reduction around Bridge Abutment with Rectangular Section [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 213-223]
Local scour
An Experimental Study of Impact of Bridge Pier on Depth of Scour Hole in
Abutment [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient
Estimating Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient of Pollutants in Open Channel
Flows Using Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 25-37]
Effect of Different Magnesium Concentration inWater on Soil Characteristics
and Determining the Critical Concentration [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 255-265]
Mahabad county
Investigating Potentiality of IRS-P6 Images for Soil Salinity Modeling [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 177-187]
Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize
Using Saline Water in Ahvaz [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to
Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 69-78]
Mamdani algorithm
Application of Fuzzy Inference System to Predict the Yield of Potato, Alfalfa and Wheat in Shahr-e-Kian area [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 265-275]
Trend Analysis of Precipitation in Northern Half of Iran during the Recent Half
of the Century [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 207-224]
Investigating Changes of Seasonal Precipitation Concentration of Iran in
Recent Half-Century [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 111-123]
Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Soils of Zanjan Industrial Region [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 223-236]
Marand Plain
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
Marand region
Application of the Fuzzy Sets Theory and FAO Method on Suitability and
Clustering of Land Units in Marand region for Sunflower and Canola Products [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 273-2902]
Maroon valley watershed
Application of One- and Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff and Infiltration Models for Maroon Valley Watershed in Fars Province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 235-248]
Mean Weight Diameter
Effect of Different Magnesium Concentration inWater on Soil Characteristics
and Determining the Critical Concentration [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 255-265]
Developing a New Method for Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Sluice Gates under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 207-221]
Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 299-324]
Medicinal Plant
Effects of Nitrogen on Growth and Some Morphological Traits of Inoculated
Savory Plant (Satureja hortensis L.) with Azospirillum irakense and
Pseudomonas putida [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 79-91]
Inoculation Effects of Potassium Releasing Bacteria on K Nutrition of
Tomato in Sand-Muscovite Medium and Identification of Efficient Isolates [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Micrococcus yunnanensis
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium on Uptake of Some Micronutrients by Corn in a Cd-contaminated Soil under Water Deficit Stress Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 105-117]
Micromorphologic Study of Pores and Porosity of Some Saline-Sodic Soils
in theWest of Urmia Lake using Image Analysis [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 131-143]
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium on Uptake of Some Micronutrients by Corn in a Cd-contaminated Soil under Water Deficit Stress Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 105-117]
Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizer applications on Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bahar) yield in Rotation with Sugar Beet [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 167-181]
Minab river
Analysis of Flow in River Cross Section Using Finite Elements Method [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
Hydrogeochemistry Studies and Assessment of Groundwater Quality Varations in Sngan-Khaf Plain Using GQI Index [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 325-336]
Multi-Objective Optimization of Detention Rockfill Dam Characteristics
Considering Hydraulic Conditions and Application of Borda Count Social
Choice and Nash- Harsanyi Bargaining Models [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 13-25]
Mobility factor
The Relationships between Cu Contamination and Soil Characteristics in
Downstream of Mazra’eh Copper Mine (Ahar-East Azarbaijan) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 95-112]
Modeling the Monthly Inflow to Jamishan Dam Reservoir Using Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average and Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Models [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 273-285]
Investigating Potentiality of IRS-P6 Images for Soil Salinity Modeling [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 177-187]
Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 299-324]
Effect of Underground Dam Construction on Discharge of Qanats,
Using MODFLOW Model (Case Study: Soofi - Makoo) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 295-305]
Molecular diffusion coefficient
Effect of Consolidation on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in a Clayey Soil [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 119-132]
Morphological Traits
Effects of Different Irrigation Levels and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Morphological Traits and Grain Yield of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Landraces [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 83-95]
Multivariate models
Performance Evaluation of ARMA and CARMA Models in Modeling Annual Precipitation of Urmia Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 13-28]
Multivariate nonlinear regression model
Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table
Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Mycorrhizal Fungi
Effects of Different Irrigation Levels and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Morphological Traits and Grain Yield of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Landraces [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 83-95]
Evaluation of SWAT and SVM Models to Simulate the Runoff of Lighvanchay River [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 137-150]
Nash-Harsanyi bargaining model
Multi-Objective Optimization of Detention Rockfill Dam Characteristics
Considering Hydraulic Conditions and Application of Borda Count Social
Choice and Nash- Harsanyi Bargaining Models [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 13-25]
Nazloo clayey soil
Effect of Consolidation on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in a Clayey Soil [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 119-132]
Neural network
Prediction of Evaporation Potential through Data De-noising in Tabriz Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Kinetics and Isotherm of Nitrate Sorption from Aqueous Solution Using Biochar [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 145-158]
Nitrate accumulation
Effect of Ammonium Nitrate and Free Amino Acids on the Nitrate Accumulation in Radish [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 67-78]
Nitrate reductase
Effect of Ammonium Nitrate and Free Amino Acids on the Nitrate Accumulation in Radish [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 67-78]
Effects of Nitrogen on Growth and Some Morphological Traits of Inoculated
Savory Plant (Satureja hortensis L.) with Azospirillum irakense and
Pseudomonas putida [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 79-91]
Developing and Evaluating some Derived Models for Modeling Simultaneous Water and Nitrogen Deficit Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 287-299]
Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizer applications on Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bahar) yield in Rotation with Sugar Beet [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 167-181]
Nitrogen fixation
Physiological Study of Soil-Born Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields in Guilan and
Application of Efficient Strains in Improving Growth and Yield of Rice [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 247-258]
Multi-Objective Optimization of Detention Rockfill Dam Characteristics
Considering Hydraulic Conditions and Application of Borda Count Social
Choice and Nash- Harsanyi Bargaining Models [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 13-25]
Numerical modeling
Numerical Modeling of Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in Alluvial River
(Case Study: Gharasoo River in Kermanshah province) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 35-49]
Numerical simulation
Numerical Simulation of Flow Free Surface and Field in Circular Channel along
the SideWeir in Subcritical Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Numerical simulation
Numerical Modeling of Flow Field around Bridge Pier with Compound
Geometry [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Nutritional balance
Application of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) to Determine the Nutritional Balance of Sour Lemon Gardens in Hormozgan Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 243-255]
Numerical Investigating Effect of Obstacle’s Upstream Angle and Water Depth
of Reservoir on Controlling Turbidity Current [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 207-219]
Experimental Study on the Effect of Transverse Waves on Suspended Sediment Concentration at Downstream of Obstacles in a Staggered Arrangement [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Ogee spillway
Experimental Study of Flip Bucket Effect at the End of Ogee Spillway on Energy Dissipation and Jet Length [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 133-142]
Oil degrading bacteria
Isolation and Study of Indigenous Bacteria of the Contaminated Soils in Southern of Tehran Oil Refinery plant for Bioremediation of Oil ontaminations [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 175-185]
Evaluation and Comparison of Soil Fungi Ability in Biodegradation of Crude
Oil from Ahvaz and Omidiyeh's Oil Regions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 239-246]
Comparing of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) Method and Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) for Nutritional Balances of Onion (Allium cepa L.) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 271-286]
Open channel
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of Parabolic Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 57-67]
Open channel
Estimating Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient of Pollutants in Open Channel
Flows Using Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Open channel
Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Height, Density and Arrangement
of Artificial Roughness Elements on Manning Roughness Coefficient [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 67-80]
Optimum concentrations
Comparing of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) Method and Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) for Nutritional Balances of Onion (Allium cepa L.) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 271-286]
Effects of Agronomic, Orchard and Forest Land Uses on Soil Quality Index (SQI) in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 141-153]
Ordinary Kriging
Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Soils of Zanjan Industrial Region [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 223-236]
Ordinary Kriging method
Calibration of Angstrom- Prescott Coefficients for Selected Stations of Khorasan-e Razavi Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
Organic matter
Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 157-169]
Organic matter
Interaction Effects of Organic Matters, Earthworm and Compaction on Pore Size Distribution and Moisture Coefficients of Two Fine and Coarse-textured Soils [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 281-293]
Organic matter quality
Organic Matter Quality and Clay Mineral Type of Soils on a Catena in
Deilaman Region of Guilan Province [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 161-172]
Pan index
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 41-54]
Estimating and Evaluating the Trends of Annual Refrence Eevapotranspiration based on Influential Climatic Parameters in the North East of Iran [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 257-269]
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of Parabolic Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 57-67]
Parametric approach
Application of Fuzzy Inference System to Predict the Yield of Potato, Alfalfa and Wheat in Shahr-e-Kian area [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 265-275]
Parametric method
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evaluation of Land Suitability for Wheat, Barley, Maize and Sunflower in part of Khoy plain [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 15-29]
Parasitic Nematode
The Influence of Irrigation with Raw and Treated Municipal Wastewater on Wheat Yield and Microbial Characteristics of Soil and Plant [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 215-228]
Parent material
Study on Some Soil Properties as Affected by Different Slope Position and
Aspect in Mountainous Landform with Different Parent Materials in Masouleh [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Pasture land use
Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Quality and Clay Mineralogy
in Valarude Region of Zanjan Province [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 305-316]
P availability
An Investigation of Phosphorus Dynamics in a Calcareous Soil Treated with Different Levels of Poultry Manure and Chemical Fertilizer [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 293-303]
Pedotransfer functions
The Influence of Free Swelling Index on Improvement of the Soil Moisture
Curve Estimation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 93-113]
Pedotransfer functions
Application and Comparison of Parametric Pedotransfer Functions of van
Genuchten Model for Transient Water Flow Simulation in a Cultivated Soil [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 81-94]
Pedotransfer functions
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Unsaturated Hydraulic
Conductivity Curves of Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
Pedotransfer functions
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Pedotransfer functions
Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 243-256]
Penman –Monteith
Snowmelt Flow Modeling Based on the Modified Penman Monteith Equation [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 269-280]
Estimating and Evaluating the Trends of Annual Refrence Eevapotranspiration based on Influential Climatic Parameters in the North East of Iran [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 257-269]
Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Isolation and Study of Indigenous Bacteria of the Contaminated Soils in Southern of Tehran Oil Refinery plant for Bioremediation of Oil ontaminations [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 175-185]
Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria
Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 299-324]
The Effect of Organic and Phosphorus Fertilizers Application on Chromium VI Accumulation in the Radish Irrigated with Contaminated Water [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 79-90]
Physiological Study of Soil-Born Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields in Guilan and
Application of Efficient Strains in Improving Growth and Yield of Rice [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 247-258]
Physical model
Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and
Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 145-159]
Physical parameters of water
Basin and Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Methods of Dams (Case study: Shirin Darreh Dam) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 211-227]
Physical quality
Derivation of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Penetration Resistance,
Aggregate Stability and Parameters of van Genuchten Moisture Curve Model in
Fandoglou Forest Lands of Ardabil [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 129-148]
Physico-chemical properties
Study on Some Soil Properties as Affected by Different Slope Position and
Aspect in Mountainous Landform with Different Parent Materials in Masouleh [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Physico-chemical soil properties
Effect of Land Use Change from Rangeland to Agricultural Land on Soil
Fertility in Taftan Region [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 31-44]
Physiological Study of Soil-Born Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields in Guilan and
Application of Efficient Strains in Improving Growth and Yield of Rice [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 247-258]
Piles group
Experimental Investigation of Scour around Inclined Bridge Piers Group
Based on Piles Group [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 135-147]
Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 299-324]
Plunge pool
Study of the Vertical Impinging Jet's Dynamic Behavior in Plunge Pool [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 1-11]
Estimating Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient of Pollutants in Open Channel
Flows Using Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Effect of Consolidation on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in a Clayey Soil [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 119-132]
Evaluation of Salmas Plain Aquifer Vulnerability to Pollution Using DRASTIC Model and GIS [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 55-67]
Pollution Transmission
Estimating Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient of Pollutants in Open Channel
Flows Using Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Pore size distribution
Interaction Effects of Organic Matters, Earthworm and Compaction on Pore Size Distribution and Moisture Coefficients of Two Fine and Coarse-textured Soils [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 281-293]
Determination of Discharge Coefficient in Gabion Weirs at Free and Submerged
Condition [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizer applications on Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bahar) yield in Rotation with Sugar Beet [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 167-181]
Inoculation Effects of Potassium Releasing Bacteria on K Nutrition of
Tomato in Sand-Muscovite Medium and Identification of Efficient Isolates [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Potassium Releasing Bacteria
Inoculation Effects of Potassium Releasing Bacteria on K Nutrition of
Tomato in Sand-Muscovite Medium and Identification of Efficient Isolates [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Trend Analysis of Precipitation in Northern Half of Iran during the Recent Half
of the Century [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 207-224]
Performance Evaluation of ARMA and CARMA Models in Modeling Annual Precipitation of Urmia Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 13-28]
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Precipitation concentration index
Investigating Changes of Seasonal Precipitation Concentration of Iran in
Recent Half-Century [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 111-123]
Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 155-165]
Principle vortex
Effect of Density and Depth of Six-Legged Elements Placement on Rectangular Abutment Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 119-135]
Prism surfaces
Experimental Investigation of Discharge Coefficient in Prismatic Weir-Gate [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 255-268]
Probability of occurrence
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 41-54]
Production of precipitation
The Effect of Climate Change on Flood Frequency of Kelardasht Basin using K-nn and HadCM3 Model [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 211-221]
Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Physiological
Parameters of Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) UnderWater Deficit Conditions [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 51-66]
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Protective structure
Performance of Water Supply Networks under Water Hammer Phenomenon Based on Sustainability Coefficient
(Case Study: Feridonshahr Water Supply Network) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 59-71]
Effects of Nitrogen on Growth and Some Morphological Traits of Inoculated
Savory Plant (Satureja hortensis L.) with Azospirillum irakense and
Pseudomonas putida [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 79-91]
Pseudomonas fluorescence
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Pseudomonas mendocina
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Wild form and Transformant Pseudomonas mendocina With Enhanced ACC Deaminase Production on Seed Germination and Growth of Tomato and Wheat Plants [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 149-158]
Pseudomonas putida
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Pseudomonas sp
Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and PGPRs on Growth
Parameters and Nutrient Uptake of Sesame Seedling (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Effect of Underground Dam Construction on Discharge of Qanats,
Using MODFLOW Model (Case Study: Soofi - Makoo) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 295-305]
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level in Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain and its Relationship with Drought [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 143-155]
Quasi 2-D model
Analysis of Flow in River Cross Section Using Finite Elements Method [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
Calibration of Angstrom- Prescott Coefficients for Selected Stations of Khorasan-e Razavi Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
The Effect of Organic and Phosphorus Fertilizers Application on Chromium VI Accumulation in the Radish Irrigated with Contaminated Water [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 79-90]
Rainfall distribution
Investigating Changes of Seasonal Precipitation Concentration of Iran in
Recent Half-Century [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 111-123]
Rainfed wheat
Comparing the Influence of Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyle Acetate on Improving Soil Physical Properties and Wheat Germination in Marl Formations [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 91-104]
Received energy
Snowmelt Flow Modeling Based on the Modified Penman Monteith Equation [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 269-280]
Recommended derived models
Developing and Evaluating some Derived Models for Modeling Simultaneous Water and Nitrogen Deficit Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 287-299]
Reconnaissance drought indices
Adaptive Evaluation of SPI, RDI and SDI Indices in Analyzing the Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Characteristics
(Case Study: Bam Plain) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Rectangular section
Experimental Investigation of Collar Performance with Rough Surface on Local
Scour Reduction around Bridge Abutment with Rectangular Section [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 213-223]
Reduction of phosphorus
Basin and Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Methods of Dams (Case study: Shirin Darreh Dam) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 211-227]
Reference crop evapotranspiration
Determination of the Best Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Model for Estimating Grass Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Coastal
Semi-arid Climate of Hormozgan [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 239-258]
Refrence evapotranspiration
Estimating and Evaluating the Trends of Annual Refrence Eevapotranspiration based on Influential Climatic Parameters in the North East of Iran [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 257-269]
Derivation of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Penetration Resistance,
Aggregate Stability and Parameters of van Genuchten Moisture Curve Model in
Fandoglou Forest Lands of Ardabil [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 129-148]
Regression Analysis
Investigating Potentiality of IRS-P6 Images for Soil Salinity Modeling [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 177-187]
Regression Equations
Comparing Regression and Artificial Intelligence Models for Estimating Soil Exchangeable
Sodium Percentage from Sodium Absorption Ratio
(Case Study: Miankangi Region Soils, Sistan) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 125-137]
Relative submergence
Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Height, Density and Arrangement
of Artificial Roughness Elements on Manning Roughness Coefficient [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 67-80]
Relative Water Content
Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Physiological
Parameters of Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) UnderWater Deficit Conditions [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 51-66]
Remote sensing data
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Reynolds stresses
Comparison of Turbulence Models for Estimation of Bed Shear Stress Around
Bridge Abutment in Compound Channel [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 95-109]
Physiological Study of Soil-Born Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields in Guilan and
Application of Efficient Strains in Improving Growth and Yield of Rice [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 247-258]
Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 63-73]
River Bend
Experimental Study of Shape of Spur Dikes in Series to Control Scour
in River Bends [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Rooster tail hydraulic jump
Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and
Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 145-159]
Rough area
Experimental Investigation of Collar Performance with Rough Surface on Local
Scour Reduction around Bridge Abutment with Rectangular Section [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 213-223]
Rough bed
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 29-42]
Snowmelt Flow Modeling Based on the Modified Penman Monteith Equation [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 269-280]
Run Off
Estimating Hydrological and Hydrogeological Parameters of Watershed Using SWAT Model (Case study: Balukhlu-chay Basin) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Runoff simulation
Evaluation of SWAT and SVM Models to Simulate the Runoff of Lighvanchay River [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 137-150]
Saline-Sodic Soils
Micromorphologic Study of Pores and Porosity of Some Saline-Sodic Soils
in theWest of Urmia Lake using Image Analysis [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 131-143]
Salmas plain
Evaluation of Salmas Plain Aquifer Vulnerability to Pollution Using DRASTIC Model and GIS [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 55-67]
Sand bed
Effect of Density and Depth of Six-Legged Elements Placement on Rectangular Abutment Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 119-135]
Sand particle
The Effect of Measurement Method, Size and Shape of Box in Sliding Method on the Angle of Repose of Soil Particles [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 43-58]
Comparing Regression and Artificial Intelligence Models for Estimating Soil Exchangeable
Sodium Percentage from Sodium Absorption Ratio
(Case Study: Miankangi Region Soils, Sistan) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 125-137]
Sardabroud River
The Effect of Climate Change on Flood Frequency of Kelardasht Basin using K-nn and HadCM3 Model [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 211-221]
Saturation index
Using Statistical and Hydrochemical Models for Qualitative Analysis of Groundwater Resources (Case Study: Mehraban plain, In East Azerbaijan) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 31-50]
Satureja hortensis L
Effects of Nitrogen on Growth and Some Morphological Traits of Inoculated
Savory Plant (Satureja hortensis L.) with Azospirillum irakense and
Pseudomonas putida [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 79-91]
Laboratory Investigation of Spatial-Dependency of the Dispersivity in Two Kinds of Homogeneous Saturated Sandy Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 187-198]
Schoeller diagram
Groundwater Quality Ranking of Sarab Plain for Drinking Purpose Using Entropy Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Experimental Study of Shape of Spur Dikes in Series to Control Scour
in River Bends [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Scour Control under Submerged Pipelines with Different Gaps under Unidirectional Flow Using Submerged Plate [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 179-190]
Study of the Vertical Impinging Jet's Dynamic Behavior in Plunge Pool [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 1-11]
Effect of Density and Depth of Six-Legged Elements Placement on Rectangular Abutment Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 119-135]
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 123-133]
Experimental Investigation of Scour around Inclined Bridge Piers Group
Based on Piles Group [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 135-147]
Scour depth
Effects of Six-Leg Elements Row Quantity on Reduction of Cubic Bridge Pier Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 187-200]
Scour hole
Scour Control under Submerged Pipelines with Different Gaps under Unidirectional Flow Using Submerged Plate [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 179-190]
Scour hole
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 123-133]
SCS method
Comparison and Improvement of Surface Irrigation Design Methods
(Case Study Furrow Irrigation) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 53-66]
SDSM model
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Seasonal trend
Investigating Changes of Seasonal Precipitation Concentration of Iran in
Recent Half-Century [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 111-123]
Numerical Modeling of Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in Alluvial River
(Case Study: Gharasoo River in Kermanshah province) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 35-49]
Sediment transportation
Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 63-73]
Numerical Investigation of Foundation Drains Performance
in Decreasing Uplift Force of Concrete Gravity Dams [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 113-125]
Sefidrud River
Prediction ofWater Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) using ANN andWavelet
Conjunction Model (Case Study: Rudbar Station of Sefidrud River) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 189-205]
Semi-circular labyrinth
Investigation of Hydraulic Characteristics of One-Side
Semi-Circular Labyrinth SideWeir [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 187-195]
Investigation of Precipitation Sufficiency at Different Phenological Stages of Rainfed Cereals in the Agricultural Lands of Gorgan County by Classic and Geostatistical Interpolation Methods [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 249-263]
Sensitivity analysis
Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verification of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 101-113]
Sen's slope
Trend Analysis of Precipitation in Northern Half of Iran during the Recent Half
of the Century [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 207-224]
Sequential extraction
Determination of Iron Fractions and their Relations with Soil properties in Some Soils of East Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 205-215]
Series of spur dike
Experimental Study of Shape of Spur Dikes in Series to Control Scour
in River Bends [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and PGPRs on Growth
Parameters and Nutrient Uptake of Sesame Seedling (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Effects of Different Irrigation Levels and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Morphological Traits and Grain Yield of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Landraces [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 83-95]
Sewage sludge
Effect of Biochar on Lead and Cadmium Uptake from Applied Paper Factory
Sewage Sludge by Sunflower (Heliantus annus L.) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Shear stress
Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 155-165]
Shear stress
Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 63-73]
Shoot and root dry weights
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Side weir
Investigation of Hydraulic Characteristics of One-Side
Semi-Circular Labyrinth SideWeir [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 187-195]
Side weir
Numerical Simulation of Flow Free Surface and Field in Circular Channel along
the SideWeir in Subcritical Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Si Index
Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based
Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 29-42]
Sistan Plain
Evaluation of Different Interpolation Methods in Spatial Estimation of Soil
Properties in Sistan Plain [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 151-162]
Six basic elements
Effects of Six-Leg Elements Row Quantity on Reduction of Cubic Bridge Pier Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 187-200]
Six-legged elements
Effect of Density and Depth of Six-Legged Elements Placement on Rectangular Abutment Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 119-135]
Sliding method
The Effect of Measurement Method, Size and Shape of Box in Sliding Method on the Angle of Repose of Soil Particles [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 43-58]
Slope position
Organic Matter Quality and Clay Mineral Type of Soils on a Catena in
Deilaman Region of Guilan Province [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 161-172]
Sloping layered soil
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Soil Water Distribution under Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Level and Sloping Layered Soils [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 13-27]
Sluice gate
Developing a New Method for Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Sluice Gates under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 207-221]
Snowmelt Flow Modeling Based on the Modified Penman Monteith Equation [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 269-280]
Snow melt
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 159-172]
Snowy seasons
Snowmelt Flow Modeling Based on the Modified Penman Monteith Equation [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 269-280]
Sodium absorption ratio
Prediction ofWater Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) using ANN andWavelet
Conjunction Model (Case Study: Rudbar Station of Sefidrud River) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 189-205]
Soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI)
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Soil amendments
Comparing the Influence of Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyle Acetate on Improving Soil Physical Properties and Wheat Germination in Marl Formations [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 91-104]
Soil bulk density
Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizer applications on Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bahar) yield in Rotation with Sugar Beet [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 167-181]
Soil compaction
Interaction Effects of Organic Matters, Earthworm and Compaction on Pore Size Distribution and Moisture Coefficients of Two Fine and Coarse-textured Soils [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 281-293]
Soil degradation
Effect of Land Use Change from Rangeland to Agricultural Land on Soil
Fertility in Taftan Region [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 31-44]
Soil depth
Organic Matter Quality and Clay Mineral Type of Soils on a Catena in
Deilaman Region of Guilan Province [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 161-172]
Soil depth
Study on Some Soil Properties as Affected by Different Slope Position and
Aspect in Mountainous Landform with Different Parent Materials in Masouleh [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Soil erosion
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Soil evolution
Relation between Soil Evolution and Landforms Diversity in Dasht-E-Tabriz [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 191-204]
Soil evolution
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Soil friability
The Effect of Different Na/K Ratios in Soil Solution on Aggregate Tensile Strength and Friability [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 161-174]
Soil hydraulic parameters
Evaluation of HYDRUS 2D Software to Estimate StoredWater and Wetting
Pattern of Surface Drip Irrigation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 287-301]
Soil hydraulic properties
Application and Comparison of Parametric Pedotransfer Functions of van
Genuchten Model for Transient Water Flow Simulation in a Cultivated Soil [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 81-94]
Soil moisture accounting model
Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verification of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 101-113]
Soil organic carbon
Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizer applications on Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bahar) yield in Rotation with Sugar Beet [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 167-181]
Soil particles
The Effect of Measurement Method, Size and Shape of Box in Sliding Method on the Angle of Repose of Soil Particles [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 43-58]
Soil physico- chemical characteristics
The Role of Land Use Change on Some Soil Physicochemical Properties
(Case Study:Watershed Basin of Keyasar Galooga) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 159-171]
Soil pollution
Evaluation and Comparison of Soil Fungi Ability in Biodegradation of Crude
Oil from Ahvaz and Omidiyeh's Oil Regions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 239-246]
Soil quality
Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Quality and Clay Mineralogy
in Valarude Region of Zanjan Province [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 305-316]
Soil quality
The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 257-271]
Soil quality index
Effects of Agronomic, Orchard and Forest Land Uses on Soil Quality Index (SQI) in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 141-153]
Soil Structure
Comparing the Influence of Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyle Acetate on Improving Soil Physical Properties and Wheat Germination in Marl Formations [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 91-104]
Soil texture
Determining Coefficients of Some Water Infiltration Models in Two Calcareous Soils of Bajgah Region in Fars Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 171-183]
Soil water
Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 243-256]
Soil water content
Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available
Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 189-206]
Soil water flow
Application and Comparison of Parametric Pedotransfer Functions of van
Genuchten Model for Transient Water Flow Simulation in a Cultivated Soil [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 81-94]
Sour lemon
Application of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) to Determine the Nutritional Balance of Sour Lemon Gardens in Hormozgan Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 243-255]
Spatial distribution of precipitation
Investigation of Precipitation Sufficiency at Different Phenological Stages of Rainfed Cereals in the Agricultural Lands of Gorgan County by Classic and Geostatistical Interpolation Methods [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 249-263]
Spatial variation
Evaluation of Different Interpolation Methods in Spatial Estimation of Soil
Properties in Sistan Plain [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 151-162]
Spatial variation
Investigating Abrupt Changes and Periodically Changes Pattern of Reference Evapotranspiration in Iran with Wavelet Analysis and Moving t Test [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Evaluation of Weather Droughts of Iran Using
the Herbst Method [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 127-143]
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level in Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain and its Relationship with Drought [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 143-155]
Spur dike shape
Experimental Study of Shape of Spur Dikes in Series to Control Scour
in River Bends [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Square root method
Application of the Fuzzy Sets Theory and FAO Method on Suitability and
Clustering of Land Units in Marand region for Sunflower and Canola Products [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 273-2902]
Staggered arrangement
Experimental Study on the Effect of Transverse Waves on Suspended Sediment Concentration at Downstream of Obstacles in a Staggered Arrangement [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Standardized precipitation indices
Adaptive Evaluation of SPI, RDI and SDI Indices in Analyzing the Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Characteristics
(Case Study: Bam Plain) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Standard situation
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Stationarity test
Application of Modified KPSS Test With Fourier Analysis in Stationarity Test of Hydrologic Time Series (Case Study: Lake Urmia Water Level) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 223-234]
Statistical methods
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
Stepped spillway
Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 155-165]
Stilling basin length
Hydraulic Jump in Stilling Basins with Perforated and Continuous Sills [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 183-192]
Modeling the Monthly Inflow to Jamishan Dam Reservoir Using Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average and Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Models [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 273-285]
Stochastic model
The Effect of Climate Change on Flood Frequency of Kelardasht Basin using K-nn and HadCM3 Model [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 211-221]
Stomatal onductance
Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Physiological
Parameters of Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) UnderWater Deficit Conditions [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 51-66]
Streamflow drought indices
Adaptive Evaluation of SPI, RDI and SDI Indices in Analyzing the Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Characteristics
(Case Study: Bam Plain) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 69-81]
St-Venant equations
Simulation of Unsteady Flow in Irrigation Canals Using CanalMan Model
(Case Study: AMC Canal of Tabriz Plain Irrigation Network) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 287-298]
Subcritical and supercritical current
Numerical Investigating Effect of Obstacle’s Upstream Angle and Water Depth
of Reservoir on Controlling Turbidity Current [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 207-219]
Subcritical flow
Investigation of Hydraulic Characteristics of One-Side
Semi-Circular Labyrinth SideWeir [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 187-195]
Submerged flow
Developing a New Method for Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Sluice Gates under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 207-221]
Submerged pipe
Scour Control under Submerged Pipelines with Different Gaps under Unidirectional Flow Using Submerged Plate [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 179-190]
Submerged pipe
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 123-133]
Submerged plate
Scour Control under Submerged Pipelines with Different Gaps under Unidirectional Flow Using Submerged Plate [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 179-190]
Determination of Discharge Coefficient in Gabion Weirs at Free and Submerged
Condition [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Subsurface drain
Experimental Study of Drainage Water Salinity Changes at Intervals and
Various Depths of Drain in the Presence of Saline Groundwater [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 139-150]
Subsurface drip irrigation
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Soil Water Distribution under Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Level and Sloping Layered Soils [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 13-27]
Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 29-42]
Evaluating and Improving the Sugarcane Furrow Irrigation Management in Khuzestan [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 109-121]
Sum of square error
Determining Coefficients of Some Water Infiltration Models in Two Calcareous Soils of Bajgah Region in Fars Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 171-183]
Support vector classifier
Feasibility Study of Data Mining Methods Application to Estimate Aji Chai River’s Water Quality Classification [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 39-51]
Support Vector Regression
Estimating Free and Submerged Hydraulic Jump’s Length in Horizontal and Slopping Channels Using Support Vector Regression [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 51-62]
Support Vector Regression
Modeling Crump Weir Discharge Coefficient Using Machine Learning Methods [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Surface drip irrigation
Evaluation of HYDRUS 2D Software to Estimate StoredWater and Wetting
Pattern of Surface Drip Irrigation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 287-301]
Surface resistance
Comparing the Influence of Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyle Acetate on Improving Soil Physical Properties and Wheat Germination in Marl Formations [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 91-104]
Surface runoff
Application of One- and Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff and Infiltration Models for Maroon Valley Watershed in Fars Province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 235-248]
Surface soil salinity
Investigating Potentiality of IRS-P6 Images for Soil Salinity Modeling [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 177-187]
Surface tension
Biosurfactant Production by Pseudomonas putida1694 in Various Carbon Sources [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 185-198]
Surface vortex
Effect of Dimensions and Mesh Type of Anti-Vortex Horizontal Plates on Critical Submergence Reduction of Vertical Intakes [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 167-178]
Surficial sediments
The Relationships between Cu Contamination and Soil Characteristics in
Downstream of Mazra’eh Copper Mine (Ahar-East Azarbaijan) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 95-112]
Suspended Load
Numerical Modeling of Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in Alluvial River
(Case Study: Gharasoo River in Kermanshah province) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 35-49]
Suspended sediment concentration
Experimental Study on the Effect of Transverse Waves on Suspended Sediment Concentration at Downstream of Obstacles in a Staggered Arrangement [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Sustainability parameter
Performance of Water Supply Networks under Water Hammer Phenomenon Based on Sustainability Coefficient
(Case Study: Feridonshahr Water Supply Network) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 59-71]
Sustainable Agriculture
An Investigation of Phosphorus Dynamics in a Calcareous Soil Treated with Different Levels of Poultry Manure and Chemical Fertilizer [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 293-303]
Evaluation of SWAT and SVM Models to Simulate the Runoff of Lighvanchay River [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 137-150]
Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 29-42]
Prediction of Evaporation Potential through Data De-noising in Tabriz Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Tabriz plain
Simulation of Unsteady Flow in Irrigation Canals Using CanalMan Model
(Case Study: AMC Canal of Tabriz Plain Irrigation Network) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 287-298]
Taftan rangeland
Effect of Land Use Change from Rangeland to Agricultural Land on Soil
Fertility in Taftan Region [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 31-44]
Tailings dam
The Relationships between Cu Contamination and Soil Characteristics in
Downstream of Mazra’eh Copper Mine (Ahar-East Azarbaijan) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 95-112]
Take off angle
Experimental Study of Flip Bucket Effect at the End of Ogee Spillway on Energy Dissipation and Jet Length [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 133-142]
Performance Evaluation of ARMA and CARMA Models in Modeling Annual Precipitation of Urmia Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 13-28]
Tensile strength
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Unsaturated Hydraulic
Conductivity Curves of Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
Thomas-Firing method
Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table
Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Time domain reflectometry
Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectrometry Device in Saline Clay and Sandy
Soils [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 43-52]
Time Series
Performance Evaluation of ARMA and CARMA Models in Modeling Annual Precipitation of Urmia Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 13-28]
Time Series
Investigating Abrupt Changes and Periodically Changes Pattern of Reference Evapotranspiration in Iran with Wavelet Analysis and Moving t Test [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Time Series
Application of Modified KPSS Test With Fourier Analysis in Stationarity Test of Hydrologic Time Series (Case Study: Lake Urmia Water Level) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 223-234]
Inoculation Effects of Potassium Releasing Bacteria on K Nutrition of
Tomato in Sand-Muscovite Medium and Identification of Efficient Isolates [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 259-271]
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Wild form and Transformant Pseudomonas mendocina With Enhanced ACC Deaminase Production on Seed Germination and Growth of Tomato and Wheat Plants [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 149-158]
Study on Some Soil Properties as Affected by Different Slope Position and
Aspect in Mountainous Landform with Different Parent Materials in Masouleh [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Organic Matter Quality and Clay Mineral Type of Soils on a Catena in
Deilaman Region of Guilan Province [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 161-172]
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Wild form and Transformant Pseudomonas mendocina With Enhanced ACC Deaminase Production on Seed Germination and Growth of Tomato and Wheat Plants [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 149-158]
Transverse wave
Experimental Study on the Effect of Transverse Waves on Suspended Sediment Concentration at Downstream of Obstacles in a Staggered Arrangement [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Trend Analysis of Precipitation in Northern Half of Iran during the Recent Half
of the Century [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 207-224]
Investigating Abrupt Changes and Periodically Changes Pattern of Reference Evapotranspiration in Iran with Wavelet Analysis and Moving t Test [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Estimating and Evaluating the Trends of Annual Refrence Eevapotranspiration based on Influential Climatic Parameters in the North East of Iran [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 257-269]
Turbidity currents
Numerical Investigating Effect of Obstacle’s Upstream Angle and Water Depth
of Reservoir on Controlling Turbidity Current [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 207-219]
Turbulence model
Comparison of Turbulence Models for Estimation of Bed Shear Stress Around
Bridge Abutment in Compound Channel [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 95-109]
Two-dimensional model
Basin and Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Methods of Dams (Case study: Shirin Darreh Dam) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 211-227]
Tyler and Wheatcraft
Comparison of Fractal and Rosetta Approaches for Estimation of Soil Water Retention Curve [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 193-205]
Underground dam
Effect of Underground Dam Construction on Discharge of Qanats,
Using MODFLOW Model (Case Study: Soofi - Makoo) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 295-305]
Unidirectional flow
Scour Control under Submerged Pipelines with Different Gaps under Unidirectional Flow Using Submerged Plate [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 179-190]
Unidirectional flow
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 123-133]
Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Unsaturated Hydraulic
Conductivity Curves of Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
Unsteady flow
Simulation of Unsteady Flow in Irrigation Canals Using CanalMan Model
(Case Study: AMC Canal of Tabriz Plain Irrigation Network) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 287-298]
Uplift force
Numerical Investigation of Foundation Drains Performance
in Decreasing Uplift Force of Concrete Gravity Dams [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 113-125]
Upstream height
Experimental Investigation of Discharge Coefficient in Prismatic Weir-Gate [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 255-268]
Urmia lake
Micromorphologic Study of Pores and Porosity of Some Saline-Sodic Soils
in theWest of Urmia Lake using Image Analysis [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 131-143]
USSL diagram
Feasibility Study of Data Mining Methods Application to Estimate Aji Chai River’s Water Quality Classification [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 39-51]
Estimating Hydrological and Hydrogeological Parameters of Watershed Using SWAT Model (Case study: Balukhlu-chay Basin) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Vapor pressure deficit
Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available
Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 189-206]
Vegetation type
The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 257-271]
Velocity profiles
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Velocity vector
Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 155-165]
Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verification of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 101-113]
Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and PGPRs on Growth
Parameters and Nutrient Uptake of Sesame Seedling (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Vertical Intake
Effect of Dimensions and Mesh Type of Anti-Vortex Horizontal Plates on Critical Submergence Reduction of Vertical Intakes [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 167-178]
Void ratio
Effect of Consolidation on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in a Clayey Soil [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 119-132]
Micromorphologic Study of Pores and Porosity of Some Saline-Sodic Soils
in theWest of Urmia Lake using Image Analysis [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 131-143]
Volume balance
Comparison and Improvement of Surface Irrigation Design Methods
(Case Study Furrow Irrigation) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Volumetric moisture
Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectrometry Device in Saline Clay and Sandy
Soils [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 43-52]
Experimental Study on the Effect of Transverse Waves on Suspended Sediment Concentration at Downstream of Obstacles in a Staggered Arrangement [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Vortex flow
An Experimental Study of Impact of Bridge Pier on Depth of Scour Hole in
Abutment [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Wakeby distribution function
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 41-54]
Water depth of the reservoir
Numerical Investigating Effect of Obstacle’s Upstream Angle and Water Depth
of Reservoir on Controlling Turbidity Current [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 207-219]
Water flow in soil
Evaluation of HYDRUS 2D Software to Estimate StoredWater and Wetting
Pattern of Surface Drip Irrigation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 287-301]
Water Footprint
Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Water hammer
Performance of Water Supply Networks under Water Hammer Phenomenon Based on Sustainability Coefficient
(Case Study: Feridonshahr Water Supply Network) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 59-71]
Water losses
Evaluating and Improving the Sugarcane Furrow Irrigation Management in Khuzestan [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 109-121]
Water quality classification
Feasibility Study of Data Mining Methods Application to Estimate Aji Chai River’s Water Quality Classification [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 39-51]
Water quantity
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level in Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain and its Relationship with Drought [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 143-155]
Water relations
Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available
Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 189-206]
Water repellency
Derivation of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Penetration Resistance,
Aggregate Stability and Parameters of van Genuchten Moisture Curve Model in
Fandoglou Forest Lands of Ardabil [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 129-148]
Water Resources
Groundwater Quality Ranking of Sarab Plain for Drinking Purpose Using Entropy Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Water Stress
Developing and Evaluating some Derived Models for Modeling Simultaneous Water and Nitrogen Deficit Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 287-299]
Water stress indicator
Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available
Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 189-206]
Water supply network
Performance of Water Supply Networks under Water Hammer Phenomenon Based on Sustainability Coefficient
(Case Study: Feridonshahr Water Supply Network) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 59-71]
Water surface profile
Investigation of Hydraulic Characteristics of One-Side
Semi-Circular Labyrinth SideWeir [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 187-195]
table elevation
Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table
Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Determination of Discharge Coefficient in Gabion Weirs at Free and Submerged
Condition [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 115-127]
West Azerbaijan
Assessing Ability of Land for Planting Canola inWest Azerbaijan Province
Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approaches [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 27-41]
Wet aggregate stability
Effect of Different Magnesium Concentration inWater on Soil Characteristics
and Determining the Critical Concentration [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 255-265]
WetSpa model
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 159-172]
Wetting pattern
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Soil Water Distribution under Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Level and Sloping Layered Soils [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 13-27]
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Wild form and Transformant Pseudomonas mendocina With Enhanced ACC Deaminase Production on Seed Germination and Growth of Tomato and Wheat Plants [Volume 26, 4.2, 2016, Pages 149-158]
Wheat cultivers and Yield Components
The Effect of Zinc Sulfate on Biofortification and Morphological Changes in Spring Wheat [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 277-292]
Wind speed
Performance Evaluation of ARMA and CARMA Models in Modeling Annual Precipitation of Urmia Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 13-28]
Yield prediction
Application of Fuzzy Inference System to Predict the Yield of Potato, Alfalfa and Wheat in Shahr-e-Kian area [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 265-275]
Comparison and Improvement of Surface Irrigation Design Methods
(Case Study Furrow Irrigation) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 157-169]
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Evaluation of Different Interpolation Methods in Spatial Estimation of Soil
Properties in Sistan Plain [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 151-162]
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