Instructions for Authors
The letter of commitment form and the conflict of interest form are available at the bottom of the page. When submitting the article, fill in and sign these forms and upload them in the system.
The Water and Soil Science journal accepts scientific and research articles in the field related to water and soil with the following considerations:
1- Submission conditions
1-1- An article is accepted for publication whose text has not been published in any journal or conference papers or has not been submitted for publication in other journals at the same time.
1-2- The order of the authors should be attached to a separate file that has been signed by them, specifying the corresponding author. The authors are responsible for the contents of this article.
1-3- The editorial board has the right to reject, accept or edit the article while paying attention to the opinion of the respected reviewers.
2- How to write
2-1- General principles
2-1-1- The size of the paper should be A4 and up to 15 pages in a single column with a line spacing of one centimeter and a margin (3.5 cm from top, 2 cm from bottom, 2 cm from right, 2 cm from left). In addition to the article file, it is also necessary to attach the list of authors and the source file of tables and figures (Excel files) separately.
Note: When submitting an article, three referees should be introduced along with their addresses.
2-1-2- The different sections of the article are: title, Persian abstract, English abstract (extended), introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, and references.
2-1-3- The article is typed with “B Yagut” font and the font size is as follows:
14 for article title (bold)
12 for subheadings (bold) and article text
11 for titles of tables and figures (bold), names and affiliations of authors, references and keywords,
10 for texts and numbers in tables, figures and footnotes.
2-1-4- All English words and sentences are written in Times New Roman font and their font size is two numbers smaller than Persian words in the text.
2-1-5- Any foreign word in the text of the article, with the exception of scientific names, should be written in Persian and its English equivalent should be inserted as a footnote. The names of the authors of foreign sources in the text of the article are also written in Persian without subtitles.
2-1-6- Scientific names of living organisms (genus and species) should be typed in italics throughout the text of the article.
2-1-7- The titles of the tables above and the titles of the figures below them are written without the use of parentheses. The titles of the tables and figures should be complete and clear.
Note: Each table or figure should be given in the text immediately after reference to it.
Note: In the text, table and figure, the units used in the International System (SI) should be written in parentheses (Example: m s-1, dS m-1 , mg kg-1)
2-1-8- Use the word "Figure" instead of titles such as chart, image, photo, map, etc. In the figures, the names of the variables and titles of both horizontal and vertical axes should be written in Persian. Both vertical and horizontal axes need to be linear, not dotted. Also the figures should be without frame and background.
2.1.9 Tables are drawn without the use of vertical lines. The horizontal lines are used only to separate titles or units.
2-1-10- References to tables and figures should be made in the text of the article without parentheses, unless their numbers are mentioned at the end of the sentence along with the word table and figure. Example: Figure 2 shows the linear relationship between the two variables, The relationship between the two variables is linear (Figure 2).
2-1-11- The number of all formulas (if numbered) should be inserted in front of the formula and in Bracket. References to formulas and formula numbers in the text of the article should be done without parentheses.
2-1-12- In English subtitle (Footnote), the first word starts with a capital letter.
2-1-13- Inserting references in the text of the article should be done by the method of the author's name and year. In this method, the year of publication comes after the authors' last names in parentheses. If the number of authors is more than two, the last name of the first author should be added and then the phrase "et al." should be inserted. If the reference used is given at the end of the sentence and in parentheses, the last name of the authors and the year of publication of the reference will be written in Persian. All references in the text should also be included in the references section.
- Hall and Dracup (1975) and Howlin et al. (1999) reported that ...
- Studies have shown that ... (Stettler and Bradshaw 1996; Tuscan et al. 2004).
2-1-14- Article details sheet including surname and name of the author or authors of the article, academic position, affiliations and their address in both Persian and English along with telephone number, especially mobile phone and e-mail addresses should be uploaded.
When submitting an article, pay attention to the order of the authors, their academic position and addresses. After acceptance, it will not be changeable.
2-2- Arranging different sections of the article
2-2-1- The title of the article should be concise, fluent and expressive of the content of the article. The maximum number of allowed words is 20. It is not necessary to mention the scientific names of living things if they have a public name. Do not use acronyms or chemical formulas in the title. Also, it is not recommended to use words like "study" and "review" at the beginning of the title.
2-2-2- Persian abstract is prepared in a single paragraph and is a concise and clear collection of articles with emphasis on goals, methods, important research findings. The maximum number of abstract is 250 words. In this section, reference, figure number and table or subtitle should be avoided. Also, it is better not to use equations and abbreviations (except for standard symbols) in the abstract. If scientific names and chemical formulas are not mentioned in the title, they can be included in the abstract.
2-2-3- Extended English abstract comes immediately after the Persian abstract, but it is extended (700 to 1000 words) and includes the following sections: (Background and Objectives, Methodology, Findings, Conclusion, Keywords)
2-2-3-1- All the principles mentioned for the Persian abstract should be considered in the English abstract as well.
2-2-3-2- In the title of the article (Persian and English), the first letter of all words, except the conjunction letters, should be written in capital letters.
2-2-4- Keywords with a minimum of five and a maximum of seven words should be written immediately after the Persian and English abstracts in alphabetical order. Use a comma (,) to separate them.
* A template of extended English abstract is provided at the end of this guideline.
2-2-5- The introduction includes the design of the research topic, research records and review of scientific references related to the research topic, and at the end, the purpose of the research should be mentioned.
2-2- 6- Materials and methods should explicitly include the characteristics of the test site, description of materials, methods used, including statistical methods and experimental designs. In this section, refrain from explaining the methods that have not been used in the study. In addition, it is best to avoid a full description of common methods and to cite the references used and the changes made to them. The method should also be clear enough that other researchers can repeat it if necessary.
2-2-7- The results and discussion include the findings of the research in the form of text, tables and figures, discussion and general conclusion at the end. In this section, repetition or mention of materials and methods should be avoided. Figures and tables should not contain duplicate information at the same time. The detailed description of the tables and figures should also be avoided and only their important points should be mentioned. The results of statistical analysis should be reflected in a table or figure and significant differences should be marked with appropriate symbols.
Discussion includes analyzing test data, mentioning causes and effects, and possible applications in theoretical and practical dimensions. In addition, it is necessary to use the findings of other researchers in interpreting the results and enriching the discussion. However, for a reasoned discussion, it is not enough to just mention phrases such as "whether or not the findings match the results of others," and commenting on how these similarities and differences can contribute to the richness of the discussion.
Note: The results and the discussion can be compiled together or separately, but if these two parts are separated, the discussion should not be a repetition of the results.
Note: The titles of the horizontal and vertical axes of the figures should be written in Excel program and the text box should not be used in any way to write the titles of the figures and their axes. Also avoid placing tables and text inside the Text box.
2-2-8- In the acknowledgement section, the authors can thank the cooperation and assistance of the persons in conducting research. Also indicate the funding (s) of the research.
2-2-9- The references used, both Persian and English, should be arranged in English and in alphabetical order and without numbering. Regarding articles related to Persian publications, the following phrase should be included at the end of the reference: (In Persian with English abstract).
The following points should be observed in compiling this section:
2-2-9-1- This section includes only the references cited in the text of the article and should not cite the references that are not mentioned in the text.
2-2-9-2- If a multi- reference source author is used, first the individual articles and then the joint articles should be listed in alphabetical order in the names of the next authors. If two or more references have the same authors, these references will be adjusted from old to new according to the year of publication, and if the year of publication is similar, the mentioned references will be done by placing the letters a, b, c ... in front of the year.
2-2-9-3- The textbook cannot be used as a references.
2-2-9-4- The first word of the titles and names of the authors as well as all the words related to the names of journals and books, technical publications of reputable international organizations, titles of conferences and names of publishers and institutions should start with capital letters. The names of the journals should be written in full.
2-2-9-5- Citing internet references is not valid.
- Article in scientific journals
Shiri J, Sadraddini AA, Nazemi AH, Marti P, Fakheri Fard A, Kisi O and Landeras G, 2015. Independent testing for assessing the calibration of the Hargreaves-Samani equation: New heuristic alternatives for Iran. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 117:70-80.
- Article in the conference proceedings
Habibi M, 1997. Calculating sediment discharge using a developed computer package. Pp. 854-864. Proceedings of the 8th International Rainwater Catchment Systems Conference. 10-14 April, Tehran, Iran.
- Book
Hay KM and Robert R, 1989. An Introduction to the Physiology of Crop Yield. Leonard Hill, London.
- Book chapter
Knuiman MW and Laird NM, 1990. Parameter estimation in variance component models for binary response data. Pp. 177-189. In: Gianola D and Hammond K (eds). Advances in Statistical Methods for Genetic Improvement of Livestock. Springer- Verlag.
- Thesis
Farpoor MH, 1995. Soil geomorphological relationship in Godar Kabk area of Chaharmehal Bakhtiari province, Iran. MSc Thesis, Isfahan University of Technology. (In Persian with English abstract)
- Patent
Titcomb ST and Tuers AA, 1976. Reduced calorie bread and method of making same. USA Patent 3 979 323. Date issued: 7 September, 2010.
- References that are published by organizations and do not have the name of the author (s), in the Persian text of the article entitled "Anonymous" Example: (Anonymous 2018) and the references section, should be written as follows
Anonymous, 1992. Maize in Human Nutrition. FAO Food and Nutrition Series No. 25. FAO, Rome.