Aims and Scope

Aims and Scopes:

  • Introducing and publishing the latest and most up-to-date research and scientific findings of the researchers, academics and students in the field of soil and water engineering.
  • Evaluating and reviewing the manuscripts by specialists and experts in related fields.
  • Improving the quality and scientific level of the articles in specialized fields and related topics approved by the Journal
  • Regular and timely publication of the journal based on the license approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.


Irrigation and drainage, Hydraulic, Sediment hydraulic, Groundwater, Hydroinformatic, Water resource engineering, Hydraulic structures, Porous media, Agricultural Meteorology, Soil conservation and watershed management, Soil evaluation and land suitability, Soil physics, Soil water-plant relationships, Soil chemistry and pollution, Soil biology and biotechnology, Soil fertility and plant nutrition, Soil genesis and classification.