Main Subjects = Soil, Water and Plant Relations
Simulation of Potato Tuber Performance under Climate Change Conditions Using the WOFOST Model

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 21 December 2024


Fatemeh Bayatani; Gholamabbas Fallah-Ghalhari

Evaluation of Climate Change Effect on Soil Moisture of Farms by SWAP and AOGCM Models

Volume 27, Issue 1, June 2017, Pages 95-106

R Lalehzari; M Yaghoobzadeh; SA Haghayeghi Moghaddam

Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area)

Volume 26, Issue 4.2, March 2017, Pages 41-54

MR Hami Kouchebagi; AH Nazemi; A Sadraddini; R Delirhasannia

Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range

Volume 26, Issue 4.2, March 2017, Pages 243-256

L Heidari; H Bayat; G Ebrahim Zade

The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan)

Volume 26, Issue 4.2, March 2017, Pages 257-271

Kh Salari Nik; M Nael; A A Safari Sinegani; Gh Assadian

Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Wheat Growing Period and Evapotranspiration Using the CERES-Wheat Model (Case Study: Mashhad)

Volume 26, Issue 3, December 2016, Pages 67-79

Z Saadati; M Delbari; M Panahi; E Amiri; MH Rahimian; M Ghodsi

Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation

Volume 26, 3-2, December 2016, Pages 157-169

HR Boostani; M Chorom; A Moezzi; N Enayatizamir; N Karimian

Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method

Volume 26, 3-2, December 2016, Pages 199-210

M Montaseri; N Rasouli Majd; J Behmanesh; H Rezaie

Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectrometry Device in Saline Clay and Sandy Soils

Volume 26, 2-2, September 2016, Pages 43-52

M Farasati; M Rahmani

Mathematical View Point to the wind speed parameter role in the FAO PenmanMonteith Equation for Calculating ET0

Volume 26, 1-2, June 2016, Pages 1-14

MR Hami Kouchebagi; AH Nazemi; AA Sadraddini; R Delirhasannia

Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning

Volume 26, 1-2, June 2016, Pages 69-78

D Zarehaghi; MR Neyshabouri; A Majnooni-Heris; Z Jalilian

Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize Using Saline Water in Ahvaz

Volume 26, 1-1, June 2016, Pages 173-185

M Saeedinia; S Broomand Nasab; AR Hooshmand; A Soltani Mohammadi; B Andarzian

Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress

Volume 26, 1-2, June 2016, Pages 189-206

A Onnabi Milan; MR Neyshabouri; MR Mosaddeghi; D Zare Haggi

Comparison of Fractal and Rosetta Approaches for Estimation of Soil Water Retention Curve

Volume 26, Issue 4.1, February 2016, Pages 193-205

L Esmaeelnejad; J Seyedmohammadi; M Shabanpour

Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil

Volume 26, Issue 4.1, February 2016, Pages 237-254

S Sadeghi; SH Oustan; N Najafi; M Valizadeh; H Monirifar

Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz

Volume 26, Issue 4.1, February 2016, Pages 25-37

Davod Zare haghi; MR Neyshabouri; A Majnooni Heris; R Hasanpour; SH Mirzaei