Investigating Turbidity Currents Properties in Sefidroud Dam Reservoir

Document Type : Research Paper



Sediment deposition in reservoirs is inevitable and the turbidity current is one of the most important factors that affects sediment distribution in reservoirs. Knowledge about the turbidity currents properties can help to manage and release these currents from dam reservoirs. The Sefidroud dam reservoir has many problems on water storage due to sediment deposition. In this study, the properties of these currents including head velocity, plunge point depth and its distance from the dam are simulated by TCM model, in different discharges and water elevations of the Sefidroud reservoir. The results show, depending on the discharge and water elevation, plunge point depth changes from 2.2 to 8.3 m, its distance is between 6-11 km from the dam structure and the head velocity variation is up to 0.48 m/sec.
