Investigation of the Effect of Transverse Wave Modes 1 and 2 on Suspended Sediment Concentration Downstream of the Obstacles in Open Channels

Document Type : Research Paper


In many cases some series of obstacles are placed in the path of water, the water passes through them and at the obstacles downstream the vortex flows are created.  By overlapping the created vortices by the obstacles, transverse waves that their propagation direction is perpendicular to the direction of the water flow are formed. These waves cause reduction of the suspended sediment transfer toward the downstream of the obstacles. In this study, the effects of the perpendicular waves in flow modes 1 and 2 on the suspended sediment concentration at the downstream of the obstacles were studied, in a laboratory flume. In each experiment for comparing the results, the suspended sediment concentrations were measured in two conditions (with and without the presence of transverse waves) at the 2 end points of the flume. The results show that at equal amplitudes of the waves, modes 1 and 2, the ability of transverse wave mode 1 in the rejection of suspended sediment toward the upstream and reducing its concentration in the downstream of the obstacles is greater than that of the Wave mode 2.


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