Comparison of the FAO and Albero Models in Prediction of Irrigated Wheat Production Potentials in the Khajeh region

Document Type : Research Paper


At the present time because of fast growing population and land degradation, the need to proper use of agricultural lands becomes essential. Therefore, an important process in sustainable management is the land suitability evaluation and land production potential prediction. This research work was for comparison of the FAO and Albero models in prediction of irrigated wheat production potentials around Khajeh region in Northeast of Tabriz. For this, firstly based on the AEZ model radiation-thermal production potential for irrigated wheat was estimated and then the soil index, which indicates the extent of soil limitations effectiveness on production reduction, was calculated by the square root formulas. Finally, land production potential was calculated by multiplication of the soil index and radiation thermal production potential. Also the production potential was estimated with Albero model by using input data. The obtained results revealed that the FAO model had significant correlation and accuracy in estimation of land production potential and the coefficient of correlation values between land production potential and observed yield were 0.791 and 0.163 for FAO and Albero models, respectively. The production potential’s predicted amounts were different in the two models which were related to differences in the forms of the models.


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