Numerical investigating the effect of Trapezoidal sharp-crested sideweir geometric parameters on discharge coefficient


1 PhD student

2 University of Tabriz

3 water Eng. University of Tabriz

4 University of Tabriz, Agricultural faculty, Department of water engineering



Weirs are one of the most important structures for measuring and regulating flow rate. They are also simple hydraulic structures used to control the water level and measure the flow rate in canals. Lateral weirs are sometimes known as side weirs. Side weirs are usually made in various geometric shapes such as rectangular, arched, trapezoidal and triangular. In trapezoidal side weirs, weir height, hydraulic head, and weir wall angle affect the discharge coefficient. In this research, the effect of the mentioned parameters on the discharge coefficient, hydraulic characteristics of the flow including flow rate, the water surface profile and energy variations were investigated numerically. The result of this research was presented by a nonlinear equation. In this study, the effect of weir wall angle, weir height and hydraulic head on the discharge coefficient of trapezoidal side weirs was investigated numerically using FLUENT software and also the numerical results were compared with the experimental data. The results of the simulation were in a good agreement with the experimental data . The flow coefficient (Cm) does not depend on several hydraulic and geometric parameters. The results also showed that the side weir with a wall slope of z = 1 has better performance compared to the other two angles. Because it has the highest amount of the discharge coefficient among different overflow heights. Also, the velocity decreases with a greater slope near the side overflow. It can be concluded that the lower the overflow height, the greater the depth velocity changes will be compared to other models under different wall slopes
Weirs are one of the most important structures for measuring and regulating flow rate. They are also simple hydraulic structures used to control the water level and measure the flow rate in canals. Lateral weirs are sometimes known as side weirs. Side weirs are usually made in various geometric shapes such as rectangular, arched, trapezoidal and triangular. In trapezoidal side weirs, weir height, hydraulic head, and weir wall angle affect the discharge coefficient. In this research, the effect of the mentioned parameters on the discharge coefficient, hydraulic characteristics of the flow including flow rate, the water surface profile and energy variations were investigated numerically. The result of this research was presented by a nonlinear equation. In this study, the effect of weir wall angle, weir height and hydraulic head on the discharge coefficient of trapezoidal side weirs was investigated numerically using FLUENT software and also the numerical results were compared with the experimental data. The results of the simulation were in a good agreement with the experimental data . The flow coefficient (Cm) does not depend on several hydraulic and geometric parameters. The results also showed that the side weir with a wall slope of z = 1 has better performance compared to the other two angles. Because it has the highest amount of the discharge coefficient among different overflow heights. Also, the velocity decreases with a greater slope near the side overflow. It can be concluded that the lower the overflow height, the greater the depth velocity changes will be compared to other models under different wall slopes
Weirs are one of the most important structures for measuring and regulating flow rate. They are also simple hydraulic structures used to control the water level and measure the flow rate in canals. Lateral weirs are sometimes known as side weirs. Side weirs are usually made in various geometric shapes such as rectangular, arched, trapezoidal and triangular. In trapezoidal side weirs, weir height, hydraulic head, and weir wall angle affect the discharge coefficient. In this research, the effect of the mentioned parameters on the discharge coefficient, hydraulic characteristics of the flow including flow rate, the water surface profile and energy variations were investigated numerically. The result of this research was presented by a nonlinear equation. In this study, the effect of weir wall angle, weir height and hydraulic head on the discharge coefficient of trapezoidal side weirs was investigated numerically using FLUENT software and also the numerical results were compared with the experimental data. The results of the simulation were in a good agreement with the experimental data . The flow coefficient (Cm) does not depend on several hydraulic and geometric parameters. The results also showed that the side weir with a wall slope of z = 1 has better performance compared to the other two angles. Because it has the highest amount of the discharge coefficient among different overflow heights. Also, the velocity decreases with a greater slope near the side overflow. It can be concluded that the lower the overflow height, the greater the depth velocity changes will be compared to other models under different wall slopes


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