Estimating soil temperature at various climates using data-driven methods


1 1- MS.c student, Dep. of Water Eng., Faculty of Agric., University of Tabriz

2 MS.c student, Dep. of Water Eng., Faculty of Agric., University of Tabriz

3 University of Tabriz


Background and Objectives
Soil temperature is one of the important factors in agriculture and hydrology, and its accurate measurement is very important to ensure the optimal growth and development of the plants. Soil temperature is a factor that affects many processes such as seed germination, soil moisture level, aeration, nitrification and availability of plant nutrients. Because the soil temperature data is measured in some synoptic stations, most of the data have limitations or are incomplete. However, choosing the best method to estimate soil temperature with other available meteorological data is an efficient approach in many fields. Soil temperature depends on several factors including color, slope, vegetation, density, humidity and amount of sunlight. Currently, some physical models are available that are intrinsically related to the state of soil heat flow and energy balance in underlying soils to estimate soil temperature. The importance of soil temperature in agricultural sciences and hydrology, on the one hand, and the existence of many difficulties in recording this vital parameter, have led researchers to seek a relationship between soil temperature and other parameters in order to be able to estimate soil temperature with optimal accuracy.

In this research, daily soil temperature values were collected during the time period of 1990-2022 in Ramsar, Arak and Shiraz stations. On the other hand, the parameters of minimum temperature (Tmin), maximum temperature (Tmax), average temperature (Tm), maximum relative humidity (Umax), minimum relative humidity (Umin), average relative humidity (Um), average wind speed (FFM) and Sunshine hours (SSHN) was considered as the input parameters and soil temperature (T-soil) as the target parameter. It is worth mentioning that the way of choosing different input compounds to estimate the value of soil temperature in the studied models is based on having a higher correlation with soil temperature based on the thermal map. Moreover, the ability of data-driven models of Gaussian process regression (GPR), support vector regression (SVR), M5P algorithm, linear regression (LR), and multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network in estimating soil temperature was evaluated using different statistical parameters of correlation coefficient (R), root mean square error (RMSE), Nash Sutcliffe coefficient (NS), average absolute value of percentage error (MAPE) and Wilmot agreement index (WI).

The evaluation of five GPR, SVR, M5P, LR and MLP models for three stations of Arak, Ramsar and Shiraz shows that the 8th M5P scenario and the 8th LR scenario with lower root mean square error respectively (0.899 and 0.889) for Ramsar station, (0.958 and 0.949) for Arak station and (0.966 and 0.953) for Shiraz station have better performance than other studied models. Also, the evaluation of the impact of the input parameters in creating the scenario for the models shows that the parameters of relative humidity and air temperature had more important role than other input parameters. So that by adding parameters of relative humidity and air temperature, the accuracy of the model has increased. Therefore, these parameters are among the most key and important parameters of soil temperature.

The analysis and evaluation of soil characteristics has an important impact in the fields of hydrology, agriculture and climate. On the other hand, soil temperature has a direct relationship with the amount of moisture available to the plant, so that an increase in soil temperature can increase the transpiration rate of plants, and as a result, soil moisture decreases. Soil temperature is also an essential factor in agriculture because it determines whether plants can grow, and controls soil chemistry and biology and atmosphere-land gas exchange. Therefore, predicting soil temperature is very important for successful crop management and yield optimization. So, In this research, five data-driven methods of GPR, SVR, M5P, LR and MLP were used to predict soil temperature in Arak, Ramsar and Shiraz stations during the time period of 1990-2022. The obtained results were compared using statistical parameters and it was concluded that the 8th M5P scenario and the 8th LR scenario have shown the best performance in three stations with the lowest error compared to all scenarios. Therefore, the application of the mentioned models to predict the soil temperature has proper accuracy and is recommended for management and evaluation in terms of environmental and civil aspects.

Keywords: Estimation, Gaussian model regression, Meteroogical parameters, Multilayer neural network, Support vector regression.


Main Subjects