Introducing Optimized Irrigation – Leaching Model under Water Deficiency Conditions to Gain Maximum Net Benefit and Minimum Leaching Water


1 Department of Water Engineeringو, Faculty of Agricultural, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Professor, Water Engineering Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Water Engineering Department, Kashmar Higher Education Institute, Kashmar, Iran


Irrigation plays an important role in increasing crop yield especially in arid and semi-arid regions, where optimizing irrigation depth and leaching is crucial. Using simulation models such as AquaCrop help to analyze different irrigation scenarios and also help farmers to optimize water resources management in such conditions. In this study, calibrated and validated AquaCrop model was used for two wheat varieties in Birjand region and one wheat variety in Mashhad region. A Matlab program has been developed to link to the AquaCrop in order to achieve the optimized values of irrigation and leaching in the water constraint conditions. The optimization results showed that net profit for the best irrigation and leaching management at all salinity levels and different wheat varieties, except for salinity levels of 8.6 and 10 dS m-1 in the Mashhad variety and level of 9.6 dS m-1 in the Roshan variety, was more than the current management researches of Shahidi and Haghverdi. While the aim is to achieve maximum profit and minimal drainage water, the model by changing the type of irrigation management and reduce leaching, especially in the last two irrigations only, reduced the amount of water consumed and the amount of drainage water to zero. The results also showed the reduction of gross irrigation water in the salinity levels more than tolerance threshold of wheat was less than the other salinity levels and the difference was completely negligible. Because in high salinity levels, yield reduction in deficit irrigation was more in comparison with low salinity levels, therefore deficit irrigation in salinity levels of more than the wheat tolerance threshold is not economic. Generally, the optimization results showed that in the area of Birjand and Mashhad, using the best irrigation and leaching management at different salinity levels can increase the benefit of wheat cultivation.


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