Land Capability Evaluation of Marand County Intended for Saffron Cultivation Using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Systems

Document Type : Research Paper



Saffron plant with high value of economic rank has an important role in the non-petroleum Iran´s
foreign exports. Consequently, identifying of suitable areas for expansion of saffron cultivation
could be an important task in Marand County, northwest of Iran. In addition, understanding the role
of existing environmental factors in growth of saffron needs a comprehensive study and variety of
spatial information as well as the associated attributes. With the help of GIS it is possible to supply
such information and also to set up different kind of spatial analysis based on renowned models. In
this work based on the saffron ecological and environmental requirements, one of the well-known
Multi-criteria decision analysis (AHP model) was introduced in ARCGIS software setting.
Modelling processes such as statistical and mathematical analysis of the data was sequentially
pioneered and the suitable areas for saffron cultivation has been investigated. The results showed
that the AHP model is a sufficiently appropriate approach for the evaluating of suitable lands for
saffron growth and development throughout Marand County geographic extent.


Main Subjects

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