Improvement of the Volume Balance Model by Adjusting Water Surface Storage Term in Furrow Irrigation System

Document Type : Research Paper



Generally irrigation efficiency is reported too low in most fields of Iran. It can be increased when
the design input parameters such as infiltration opportunity and advance time are estimated
accurately. Volume balance model (VBM) is introduced as an appropriate model for evaluation of
the surface irrigation system and its application in designing the irrigation system. However, the
predicted values from this model are not strongly correlated to the hydraulic model due to the
model assumptions. The purpose of this research was to develop an improved volume balance
model (IVBM) for furrow irrigation system. The IVBM is based on a combination of the VBM and
the Zero-Inertia model (ZIM) that was used to desing border irrigation system. For evaluation of the
model, it used five series of field data with a differente range of soil texture and the field properties.
The data included geometric/hydraulics coefficients, advance time, inflow/outflow discharges,
Manning’s coefficient, bed slope and Kostiakov infiltration coefficient. The comparison of the
models (VBM and IVBM) has been done with root mean squared error (RMSE) with the observed
data. The result shows an increasing of 15-40% accuracy for advance distance estimation of IVBM
in comparison with the VBM.


Main Subjects

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