Effect of Phosphorous Fertilization on Zinc Sorption in Some Calcareous Soils From Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



In this study phosphorous fertilization effect on Zn sorption was investigated. Ten composite samples
(each from one soil series) located at Tehran province were collected and mixed with P-fertilizer
(KH2PO4) and incubated for two weeks at 25 ºC ± 1. Added phosphorous levels were 0,100 and 1000
mgPkg-1 and Zn levels ranged from 1 to 160 mgZn L-1. Phosphorous did not change the L –type zinc
isotherm. Analysis of variance indicated that applying phosphorous to the soils at various levels
showed no significant effect (p=0.156) on zinc sorption. With increasing applied phosphorous, zinc
sorption slightly reduced which was not significant. In most of the soil series, phosphorous reduced
Freundlich isotherm constants. Phosphorous at low level, namely 100 mg P kg-1, increased the two
surface Langmuir sorption maxima b1 + b2. At 1000 mg P kg-1 level, the afore-mentioned constants
were reduced.


Main Subjects

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