Water Economic Value Estimation in Barley Production at Qazvin Plane Irrigation Network

Document Type : Research Paper



   In 2007, 91.2 percent of the exploited water in Gazvin province has been consumed in agricultural sector that implies the importance of this input in the agricultural products of this province. So making the scientific and managerial strategies will be important to optimal use of water. Balancing between water supply and demand is the main issue in economic management of water resources. To this end, price or economic value of water has a responsible deterministic role as well as the price of other inputs. The economic stimulus (water economic value calculation) can be used as the motivation and economic factor to control the demand of water. In this respect, this study estimated the water economic value in barley production in Qazvin plane irrigation network from applicant perspective by using residual method and production function approach. The required data was gathered by questionnaire in 2007-08 year. The results indicated that in barley production, the economic value of water was estimated 909 Rials/m3 by using the residual method. Also it was estimated 907 and 546 Rials/ m3 based on market and guarantee prices of barley by utilizing production function approach, respectively


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