Investigating Water Table Depth Fluctuations in the Malayer Plain

Document Type : Research Paper



Modeling of water table depth fluctuations because of uncertainity in its parameters is rather complicated and was studied in the current work. For this purpose temporal variability of water table depth at 22 piezometric wells and precipitation data at 3 rainfall stations in the Malayer plain were evaluated from 1989 to 2007. Trends in data series of monthly, seasonally and annually with Sen's estimator nonparametric method was calculated and interpreted based on the defined constraints and trend start time by using Mann-Kendall test. The results showed that at monthly time scale 79.5% of the wells had significant positive slope. The remaining 16.3% had positive and 4.2% negative slope. At seasonal time scale 80.7% of trends had significant positive slope; 14.8% of  the rest encountered with positive and the remaining 4.5% with negative slopes. At the annual time scale, analysis indicated that the trend in 81.8% of the wells was significant with positive slope. The tredn in  13.6% was non-significant with positive slope and the 4.6% was negative. Overally, the trends of piezometerc wells showed rapid decreasing in the water table depth at the sudied area and presenting unwise utilization of the ground water resources in the area.


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