Determination of Groundwater Extraction Based on Cost Management (Case study: Ajabshir Plain)

Document Type : Research Paper



Groundwater is the largest available resource of fresh water on the earth. But due to its limitation and also consumption augmentation, the world would face with crisis of water resource shortage. Since Iran is located in an arid and semi-arid region, the situation is more serious for the country. According to the reports published by the Ministry of Energy in Iran, there is 4.8 billion m3/y excessive depletion of groundwater in the country. Ajabshir plain is an important agricultural area in East Azarbaijan. This plain has been faced with deficiency and shortage of water supplies along with steadly falling water table level in the aquifer. Therefore, studies about the consumption manner and proper management of water resource usage seem to be very crucial. Management based on the extraction cost is one of the most adapted methods in ground water exploitation management. In this procedure, water utilization is based on the equality of net benefit and cost. The extraction path was determined by execution of the mentioned model in this aquifer. The results showed that the aquifer would be useful for the next 8 years. After that it would face with salt water layer. Subsequently, by saving of water and use of alternative resources the agricultural sector, it would cause the aquifer to be built-up and get improved.  


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