Author = Salmasi, Ferzin
Numerical investigating the effect of Trapezoidal sharp-crested sideweir geometric parameters on discharge coefficient

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 October 2024


sara namdar; akram abbaspour; Ali Hosseinzadeh; Farzin Salmasi

Experimental Study of Chute Bed Roughness Height on Energy Dissipation

Volume 29, Issue 4, February 2020, Pages 1-11

fereshteh beiranvand

Waves Investigation of Dynamic Pressure on Wave Screen under Regular

Volume 29, Issue 4, February 2020, Pages 175-188

Naval Azam

Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient

Volume 26, Issue 3, December 2016, Pages 145-159

V Hassanzadeh; F Salmasi; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; A Abbaspour; H Arvanaghi

Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results

Volume 26, 2-1, September 2016, Pages 155-165

S Haji azizi; A Samadi; F Salmasi

Determination of Discharge Coefficient in Gabion Weirs at Free and Submerged Condition

Volume 26, 1-2, June 2016, Pages 115-127

F Salmasi; A Abbaspour; H Ahmadi

Investigating of Characteristics of Subcritical Flow in 90 Degrees Four-Branch Open Channel Junctions

Volume 25, Issue 2, October 2015, Pages 25-35

SH Hosseini; D Farsadizadeh; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; F Salmasi

Analysis of Shock Waves in Converging Transition using Experimental and Numerical Models

Volume 24, Issue 1, April 2014, Pages 143-152

MR Nikpour; D Farsadizadeh; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; J Behmanesh; F Salmasi

Numerical Simulation of Flow over Rectangular Broad-crested Weir with Upstream and Downstream Side Slopes Using Fluent Model

Volume 23, Issue 4, March 2014, Pages 265-276

Akram Abbaspour; Milad Abdolahpour; Ferzin Salmasi

Application of Submerged Vanes at Cylindrical Bridge Pier as a Scour Countermeasure

Volume 22, Issue 1, May 2012, Pages 91-109

P Shojaee; D Farsadizadeh; A Hoseinzadeh Dalir; F Salmasi; MA Ghorbani

Optimal Design of Stepped Spillways for Maximizing Energy Dissipation Using Genetic Algorithm

Volume 22, Issue 4, February 2012, Pages 69-83

farinaz SHoja; Farzin Salmasi; Davod Farsadizadeh; Amirhossein nazemi; Aliashraf Sadraddini

Spatial and Temporal Estimation of Suspended Sediment Load in Aji-chay River Using Geostatistics and Artificial Neural Network

Volume 22, Issue 4, February 2012, Pages 93-104

S Tolouei; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; MA Gorbani; A Fakheri Fard; F Salmasi

Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics in Divergent Rectangular Sections on Inverse Slope

Volume 21, Issue 3, November 2011, Pages 49-60

Z Shojaeian; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; D Farsadizadeh; F Salmasi

Water Hammer Simulation Using Experimental and CFD Numerical Models

Volume 21, Issue 2, August 2011, Pages 39-50

MR Nikpour; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; AH Nazemi; F Salmasi; D Farsadizadeh

Spatial and Temporal Estimation of Suspended Sediment Load in Aji-chay River Using Geostatistics and Artificial Neural Network

Volume 21, Issue 4, February 2011, Pages 93-104

S Tolouei; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; A Fakheri Fard; F Salmasi

Experimental Evaluation of Energy Dissipation over Gabion Stepped Spillway

Volume 21, Issue 4, February 2011, Pages 152-164

F Salmasi; D Farsadizade; H Mohit

Estimation of Critical Submergence at Intake System of Aydoghmush Dam Using FLUENT Model

Volume 20, Issue 3, November 2010, Pages 1-14

SH Partovi Azar; D Farsadizadeh3; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; F Salmasi; AA Sadraddini