Author = Hoseinzadeh Dalir, A
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe

Volume 26, Issue 4.2, March 2017, Pages 123-133

P Hedayat bahrami; S Katoorani; A Hoseinzadeh Dalir; D Farsadizadeh

Evaluation of Roughness Coefficient in Convergence Transition under Various Hydraulic Conditions

Volume 27, Issue 4, January 2017, Pages 91-104

E Roshani; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; D Farsadizade; F salmasi

Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions

Volume 26, 3-2, December 2016, Pages 63-73

Elham Roshani; Ali Hossienzade Dalir; D Farsadizadeh; F Salmasi

Numerical Investigation of Velocity Profiles in Open Channels with Rough Bed

Volume 26, Issue 3, December 2016, Pages 81-93

F Jafari; A Abspour; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir

Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient

Volume 26, Issue 3, December 2016, Pages 145-159

V Hassanzadeh; F Salmasi; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; A Abbaspour; H Arvanaghi

Effect of Dimensions and Mesh Type of Anti-Vortex Horizontal Plates on Critical Submergence Reduction of Vertical Intakes

Volume 26, 2-1, September 2016, Pages 167-178

D Farsadizadeh; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; N Nasehi Oskuei1

Scour Control under Submerged Pipelines with Different Gaps under Unidirectional Flow Using Submerged Plate

Volume 26, 2-1, September 2016, Pages 179-190

P Hedayat Bahrami1; A Hossein zadeh Dalir; D Farsadizadeh

Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements

Volume 26, Issue 4.1, February 2016, Pages 13-24

P Parsamehr; D Farsadizadeh; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; A Abbaspour; MJ Nasr Esfahani