Author = Asadi, Esmail
Analysis of storms of Karkheh dam basin and extraction of design hyetographs using the Huff method

Volume 29, Issue 3, October 2019, Pages 165-180

ES Alavi; Y Dinpashoh; E Asadi

Rainfed based Regionalization of the East Part of Urmia Lake Basin through Introducing Rainfed Evaluation Indices

Volume 27, Issue 4, January 2017, Pages 121-133

P Mohammadi; A Fakheri Fard; Y Dinpazhoh; E Asadi

Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer)

Volume 26, 1-1, June 2016, Pages 83-97

M Abdolahzadeh; A Fakheri Fard; E Asadi; A.H Nazemi

Regional Analysis of the Maximum Annual River Flow Data in East Azarbaijan Province Rivers Using the L-moments Method

Volume 25, Issue 3, December 2015, Pages 253-265

Maryam Soofi rahimi; Ahmad Fakheri fard; Yagoob Dinpashoh; Esmail Asadi; Mohammad ali Ghorbani

Calibration and Evaluation of Seven Radiation-Based Reference Crop Evapotranspiration Methods at Urmia Lake Basin

Volume 23, Issue 4, March 2014, Pages 143-158

Omid Babamiri; Yaghoub Dinpashoh; Esmaeil Asadi