Effect of Foliar Application of Iron and Manganese on Yield and Yield Components of Mungbean under Water Deficit Stress


1 Former M.Sc. Graduate Student, Dept. of Agronomy, Faculty of Agric., Tarbiat Modares Univ., Iran

2 Prof., Dept. of Agronomy, Faculty of Agric., Tarbiat Modares Univ., Iran

3 Assoc., Prof. Dept. of Agronomy, Faculty of Agric., Tarbiat Modares Univ., Iran

4 PhD. Student., Dept. of Agronomy, Faculty of Agric., Tarbiat Modares Univ., Iran


Water stress is one of the factors whish reduces the amount of nutrient uptake, greatly. In order to study the effect of foliar application of iron and manganese on yield and yield components of the mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Parto) under water deficit stress, an experiment was conducted as a complete randomized block design with split plot arrangement in three replications. Main plots were three levels of irrigation stoppings (With out stopping irrigation, with one irrigation turn stopping at each of the primary growth and the production stages, respectively) and submain plots were combination of foliar iron and manganese applications. The levels of foliar application were no foliar application (as control), water foliar application,iron sulfate 1%, iron sulfate 1.5%, manganese sulfate 0.5%, manganese sulfate 1%,iron sulfate 1%+manganese sulfate 0.5% and iron sulfate 1.5%+manganese sulfate 1%. The results showed that the treatment of water deficit stress at the vegetative and production stages had a significant effect on yield and yield components of the varieties of the mung bean. The hightest effect of water stress was related to the production stage. The combined foliar application of the iron and manganese significantly increased the grain yield, number of the pods per plant, grain weight, plant height, leaf area index, and grain iron and manganese content. However, drought stress reduced the studied traits, but foliar application of iron and manganese resulted in plant resistance that caused delay in appearance of the water stress in plant and thus improved the production performance.


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