Water Allocation of Mahabad Multipurpose Dam using Integrated Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Goal Programming Models

Document Type : Research Paper


In the new global attitude, water is an economic - social commodity and known as the primary requirement of human. Dams and water reservoirs play an important role in providing consumers’ water and allocation of it to different sectors. In this study the water allocation of Mahabad dam was analyzed and the priority of water allocation and satisfaction of the targets were determined, using combined analytic Fuzzy hierarchy and goal programming methods. Hierarchical structure was designed with three criteria and six subcriteria for five alternative sectors to determine the priority of dam water allocation to these sectors. Then in the final stage agricultural sector with the global weight of 0.36 was the most preferred choice relative to other sectors. In addition, the optimal planting pattern showed that, among the all priorities, the largest area belonged to the wheat cultivation.


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