Abbasi, F
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level in Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain and its Relationship with Drought [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 143-155]
Abbasi, F
Evaluating and Improving the Sugarcane Furrow Irrigation Management in Khuzestan [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 109-121]
Abbasi, H
Prediction of Evaporation Potential through Data De-noising in Tabriz Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Abbaslou, H
Simulating the Effect of Optimal Water Allocation on Groundwater in Monthly Stress Periods (Baghmalek Plain, Khuzestan Province) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 307-320]
Abbaspour, A
Determination of Discharge Coefficient in Gabion Weirs at Free and Submerged
Condition [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Abbaspour, A
Numerical Investigation of Foundation Drains Performance
in Decreasing Uplift Force of Concrete Gravity Dams [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 113-125]
Abbaspour, A
Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and
Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 145-159]
Abbaspour, A
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Abbaspour, A
Investigation of Discharge Coefficient of Compound Arched Circular-Trapezoidal Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 19-39]
Abbaspour2, A
The Effect of Organic and Phosphorus Fertilizers Application on Chromium VI Accumulation in the Radish Irrigated with Contaminated Water [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 79-90]
Abbaszadeh, P
Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and PGPRs on Growth
Parameters and Nutrient Uptake of Sesame Seedling (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Abbaszadeh, P
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Abdi, a
Performance Evaluation of the Robust Discordancy Measure
in L-moments Approach [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 221-235]
Abdolahzadeh, M
Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table
Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Abkar, A
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Abspour, A
Numerical Investigation of Velocity Profiles in Open Channels with Rough Bed [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 81-93]
Abtahi, S.M.
Effects of Six Chemical and Mineral Mulches on the Establishment and
Survival of Calligonum and Haloxylon [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 39-46]
Aghaei, F
Application of One- and Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff and Infiltration Models for Maroon Valley Watershed in Fars Province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 235-248]
Aghlmand, S
Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Physiological
Parameters of Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) UnderWater Deficit Conditions [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 51-66]
Ahadian, J
Performance of Water Supply Networks under Water Hammer Phenomenon Based on Sustainability Coefficient
(Case Study: Feridonshahr Water Supply Network) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 59-71]
Ahmadi, F
Trend Analysis of Precipitation in Northern Half of Iran during the Recent Half
of the Century [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 207-224]
Ahmadi, H
Determination of Discharge Coefficient in Gabion Weirs at Free and Submerged
Condition [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Ahmadi, H
Estimating and Evaluating the Trends of Annual Refrence Eevapotranspiration based on Influential Climatic Parameters in the North East of Iran [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 257-269]
Ahmadi, N
Investigating Potentiality of IRS-P6 Images for Soil Salinity Modeling [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 177-187]
Akbarpoor, F
Hydraulic Jump in Stilling Basins with Perforated and Continuous Sills [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 183-192]
Akhavan, S
Evaluation of SWAT and SVM Models to Simulate the Runoff of Lighvanchay River [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 137-150]
Akhgar, AR
Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and PGPRs on Growth
Parameters and Nutrient Uptake of Sesame Seedling (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Akhtari, AA
Experimental Study of Flip Bucket Effect at the End of Ogee Spillway on Energy Dissipation and Jet Length [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 133-142]
Akhtari, AA
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inflow Froude Number on Flow Pattern in Expansive Gradual Transitions in Open Channels [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 97-108]
Alamdari, P
Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Quality and Clay Mineralogy
in Valarude Region of Zanjan Province [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 305-316]
Alamdari1, P
Organic Matter Quality and Clay Mineral Type of Soils on a Catena in
Deilaman Region of Guilan Province [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 161-172]
Aliasgharzad, N
Physiological Study of Soil-Born Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields in Guilan and
Application of Efficient Strains in Improving Growth and Yield of Rice [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 247-258]
Aliasgharzad, N
Effects of Nitrogen on Growth and Some Morphological Traits of Inoculated
Savory Plant (Satureja hortensis L.) with Azospirillum irakense and
Pseudomonas putida [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 79-91]
Alijanpour, A
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Amini, A
Numerical Modeling of Flow Field around Bridge Pier with Compound
Geometry [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Amiri, E
Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Wheat Growing Period and
Evapotranspiration Using the CERES-Wheat Model (Case Study: Mashhad) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 67-79]
Amirian, F
Application of the Fuzzy Sets Theory and FAO Method on Suitability and
Clustering of Land Units in Marand region for Sunflower and Canola Products [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 273-2902]
Andarzian, B
Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize
Using Saline Water in Ahvaz [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Ansari, H
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 159-172]
Arvanaghi, H
Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and
Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 145-159]
Arvanaghi, H
Experimental Investigation of Discharge Coefficient in Prismatic Weir-Gate [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 255-268]
Arvanaghi, H
Investigation of Discharge Coefficient of Compound Arched Circular-Trapezoidal Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 19-39]
Arvnaghi, H
An Experimental Study of Impact of Bridge Pier on Depth of Scour Hole in
Abutment [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Asadi, A
Numerical Modeling of Flow Field around Bridge Pier with Compound
Geometry [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Asadi, E
Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table
Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Asadzadeh, F
The Effect of Measurement Method, Size and Shape of Box in Sliding Method on the Angle of Repose of Soil Particles [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 43-58]
Asadzadeh, F
Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 299-324]
Asghari, SA
Derivation of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Penetration Resistance,
Aggregate Stability and Parameters of van Genuchten Moisture Curve Model in
Fandoglou Forest Lands of Ardabil [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 129-148]
Asghari, SA
Numerical Investigating Effect of Obstacle’s Upstream Angle and Water Depth
of Reservoir on Controlling Turbidity Current [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 207-219]
Asghari, SH
Interaction Effects of Organic Matters, Earthworm and Compaction on Pore Size Distribution and Moisture Coefficients of Two Fine and Coarse-textured Soils [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 281-293]
Asghari3, HR
The Effect of Organic and Phosphorus Fertilizers Application on Chromium VI Accumulation in the Radish Irrigated with Contaminated Water [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 79-90]
Asghari Moghaddam, A
Using Statistical and Hydrochemical Models for Qualitative Analysis of Groundwater Resources (Case Study: Mehraban plain, In East Azerbaijan) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 31-50]
Asghari Moghaddam, Asghar
Groundwater Quality Ranking of Sarab Plain for Drinking Purpose Using Entropy Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Ashari MOghaddam, A
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
Ashrafi-Saeidlou, S
Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 299-324]
Asiyaban, P
Hydraulic Jump in Stilling Basins with Perforated and Continuous Sills [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 183-192]
Asnaashari, A
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inflow Froude Number on Flow Pattern in Expansive Gradual Transitions in Open Channels [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 97-108]
Assadian, Gh
The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 257-271]
Ayeeneheydari, M
An Investigation of Phosphorus Dynamics in a Calcareous Soil Treated with Different Levels of Poultry Manure and Chemical Fertilizer [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 293-303]
Azadi, S
Experimental Study of Drainage Water Salinity Changes at Intervals and
Various Depths of Drain in the Presence of Saline Groundwater [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 139-150]
Azarakhshi, M
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level in Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain and its Relationship with Drought [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 143-155]
Azarm, K
Assessing Ability of Land for Planting Canola inWest Azerbaijan Province
Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approaches [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 27-41]
Azimi1,, H
Numerical Simulation of Flow Free Surface and Field in Circular Channel along
the SideWeir in Subcritical Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Azizi Mobaser, J
Estimating Hydrological and Hydrogeological Parameters of Watershed Using SWAT Model (Case study: Balukhlu-chay Basin) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 173-185]
Babagoli, R
Comparison of Turbulence Models for Estimation of Bed Shear Stress Around
Bridge Abutment in Compound Channel [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 95-109]
Babazadeh, H
Developing and Evaluating some Derived Models for Modeling Simultaneous Water and Nitrogen Deficit Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 287-299]
Badiei, A
The Influence of Irrigation with Raw and Treated Municipal Wastewater on Wheat Yield and Microbial Characteristics of Soil and Plant [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 215-228]
Badv, Kazem
Effect of Consolidation on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in a Clayey Soil [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 119-132]
Bahadori, S
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Bakhshi Mazdeh, M
Hydrogeochemistry Studies and Assessment of Groundwater Quality Varations in Sngan-Khaf Plain Using GQI Index [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 325-336]
Bameri, a
Evaluation of Different Interpolation Methods in Spatial Estimation of Soil
Properties in Sistan Plain [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 151-162]
Baoj-Rezaee, Z
The Effect of Climate Change on Flood Frequency of Kelardasht Basin using K-nn and HadCM3 Model [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 211-221]
Barghi Khezerloo, a
Developing a New Method for Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Sluice Gates under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 207-221]
Barin, M
Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 299-324]
Barzegar, R
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
Bashiri, M
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level in Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain and its Relationship with Drought [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 143-155]
Bashirifar, N
Effects of Nitrogen on Growth and Some Morphological Traits of Inoculated
Savory Plant (Satureja hortensis L.) with Azospirillum irakense and
Pseudomonas putida [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 79-91]
Bayat, H
The Influence of Free Swelling Index on Improvement of the Soil Moisture
Curve Estimation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 93-113]
Bayat, H
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Unsaturated Hydraulic
Conductivity Curves of Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
Bayat, H
Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 243-256]
Bazaneh, M
Evaluation of HYDRUS 2D Software to Estimate StoredWater and Wetting
Pattern of Surface Drip Irrigation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 287-301]
Bazoubandi, M
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Bazrafshan, O
Adaptive Evaluation of SPI, RDI and SDI Indices in Analyzing the Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Characteristics
(Case Study: Bam Plain) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 69-81]
Behmanesh, J
Investigating Changes of Seasonal Precipitation Concentration of Iran in
Recent Half-Century [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 111-123]
Behmanesh, J
Application of Modified KPSS Test With Fourier Analysis in Stationarity Test of Hydrologic Time Series (Case Study: Lake Urmia Water Level) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 223-234]
Behmanesh, J
Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Behmanesh, J
Effect of Underground Dam Construction on Discharge of Qanats,
Using MODFLOW Model (Case Study: Soofi - Makoo) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 295-305]
Besharat, S
Evaluation of HYDRUS 2D Software to Estimate StoredWater and Wetting
Pattern of Surface Drip Irrigation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 287-301]
Bonakdari, H
Modeling the Monthly Inflow to Jamishan Dam Reservoir Using Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average and Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Models [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 273-285]
Bonakdari, H
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inflow Froude Number on Flow Pattern in Expansive Gradual Transitions in Open Channels [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 97-108]
Boostani, HR
Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 157-169]
Boroomandnasab, S
Determining the Optimum Values of the Design Parameters for Furrow Irrigation
with WinSRFR3.1 Model (Case study: Sugarcane Fields of Southern Ahvaz) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 117-130]
Broomand Nasab, S
Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize
Using Saline Water in Ahvaz [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Chakherloo, S
Micromorphologic Study of Pores and Porosity of Some Saline-Sodic Soils
in theWest of Urmia Lake using Image Analysis [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 131-143]
Champour, M
Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Permeable Spur Dike Length on Scour
Hole Dimensions in a Mild 90 Degrees Bend under Non-Submerged Conditions [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 163-175]
Chapi, K
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level in Qorveh-Dehgolan Plain and its Relationship with Drought [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 143-155]
Chapi, K
Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 201-214]
Chorom, M
Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 157-169]
Contaminated Water, H
The Effect of Organic and Phosphorus Fertilizers Application on Chromium VI Accumulation in the Radish Irrigated with Contaminated Water [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 79-90]
Dabiri, R
Hydrogeochemistry Studies and Assessment of Groundwater Quality Varations in Sngan-Khaf Plain Using GQI Index [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 325-336]
Daneshfaraz, R
Experimental Study of Flip Bucket Effect at the End of Ogee Spillway on Energy Dissipation and Jet Length [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 133-142]
Darbandi, S
Snowmelt Flow Modeling Based on the Modified Penman Monteith Equation [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 269-280]
Dashti, SH
Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizer applications on Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bahar) yield in Rotation with Sugar Beet [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 167-181]
Davatgar, N
The Relationships between Cu Contamination and Soil Characteristics in
Downstream of Mazra’eh Copper Mine (Ahar-East Azarbaijan) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 95-112]
Dawoodi1, V
Evaluation and Comparison of Soil Fungi Ability in Biodegradation of Crude
Oil from Ahvaz and Omidiyeh's Oil Regions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 239-246]
Dehghani, AA
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inflow Froude Number on Flow Pattern in Expansive Gradual Transitions in Open Channels [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 97-108]
Dehghani, I
Study of the Vertical Impinging Jet's Dynamic Behavior in Plunge Pool [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 1-11]
Delbari, M
Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Wheat Growing Period and
Evapotranspiration Using the CERES-Wheat Model (Case Study: Mashhad) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 67-79]
Delirhasannia, R
Mathematical View Point to the wind speed parameter role in the FAO PenmanMonteith Equation for Calculating ET0 [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 1-14]
Delirhasannia, R
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Soil Water Distribution under Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Level and Sloping Layered Soils [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 13-27]
Delirhasannia, R
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 41-54]
Ebrahimi, M
Effect of Land Use Change from Rangeland to Agricultural Land on Soil
Fertility in Taftan Region [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 31-44]
Ebrahim Zade, G
Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 243-256]
Ebtehaj, I
Modeling the Monthly Inflow to Jamishan Dam Reservoir Using Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average and Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Models [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 273-285]
Eghbalzadeh, A
Numerical Modeling of Flow Field around Bridge Pier with Compound
Geometry [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Eghtedar Nezhad, M
Adaptive Evaluation of SPI, RDI and SDI Indices in Analyzing the Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Characteristics
(Case Study: Bam Plain) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 69-81]
Enayatizamir, N
Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 157-169]
Enayatizamir, N
Biosurfactant Production by Pseudomonas putida1694 in Various Carbon Sources [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 185-198]
Esmaeeli, K
The Effect of Different Na/K Ratios in Soil Solution on Aggregate Tensile Strength and Friability [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 161-174]
Esmaeelnejad, L
Comparison of Fractal and Rosetta Approaches for Estimation of Soil Water Retention Curve [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 193-205]
Esmaeili Varaki, M
Experimental Investigation of Scour around Inclined Bridge Piers Group
Based on Piles Group [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 135-147]
Esmaeilpour, B
Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Physiological
Parameters of Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) UnderWater Deficit Conditions [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 51-66]
Esmaeilpour, L
Investigation of Hydraulic Characteristics of One-Side
Semi-Circular Labyrinth SideWeir [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 187-195]
Esmaielpour, B
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Esmali Ouri, A
Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 29-42]
Fahim, e
Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verification of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 101-113]
Fahim, N
Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verification of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 101-113]
Fakhari, MS
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
Fakherifard, A
Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Evaluation of Weather Droughts of Iran Using
the Herbst Method [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 127-143]
Fakheri fard, A
Snowmelt Flow Modeling Based on the Modified Penman Monteith Equation [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 269-280]
Fakheri Fard, A
Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table
Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Fallah Ghalhari, Q
Calibration of Angstrom- Prescott Coefficients for Selected Stations of Khorasan-e Razavi Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
Fallahghalhary, Q
Estimating and Evaluating the Trends of Annual Refrence Eevapotranspiration based on Influential Climatic Parameters in the North East of Iran [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 257-269]
Farahbakhsh, m
Kinetics and Isotherm of Nitrate Sorption from Aqueous Solution Using Biochar [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 145-158]
Farahmand, K
Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verification of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 101-113]
Farajnia, A
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Farasati, M
Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectrometry Device in Saline Clay and Sandy
Soils [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 43-52]
Farhoudi, j
Developing a New Method for Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Sluice Gates under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 207-221]
Farsadizadeh, D
Experimental Study of Shape of Spur Dikes in Series to Control Scour
in River Bends [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Farsadizadeh, D
Investigation of Hydraulic Characteristics of One-Side
Semi-Circular Labyrinth SideWeir [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 187-195]
Farsadizadeh, D
Effect of Dimensions and Mesh Type of Anti-Vortex Horizontal Plates on Critical Submergence Reduction of Vertical Intakes [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 167-178]
Farsadizadeh, D
Scour Control under Submerged Pipelines with Different Gaps under Unidirectional Flow Using Submerged Plate [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 179-190]
Farsadizadeh, D
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Farsadizadeh, D
Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 63-73]
Farsadizadeh, D
Investigation of Discharge Coefficient of Compound Arched Circular-Trapezoidal Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 19-39]
Farsadizadeh, D
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 123-133]
Farsadizadeh, D
Simulation of Unsteady Flow in Irrigation Canals Using CanalMan Model
(Case Study: AMC Canal of Tabriz Plain Irrigation Network) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 287-298]
Farshbaf, M
Effect of Consolidation on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in a Clayey Soil [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 119-132]
Farzin, S
Prediction of Evaporation Potential through Data De-noising in Tabriz Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Fatemi, ُSE
Modeling the Monthly Inflow to Jamishan Dam Reservoir Using Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average and Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Models [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 273-285]
Fathi, A
Effect of Density and Depth of Six-Legged Elements Placement on Rectangular Abutment Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 119-135]
Fathi Gerdelidani, A
The Role of Clay Fraction in Retention of Dissolved Organic Carbon in soil [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 273-285]
Fati, M
Hydraulic Jump in Stilling Basins with Perforated and Continuous Sills [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 183-192]
Fazleola, R
Experimental Investigation of Scour around Inclined Bridge Piers Group
Based on Piles Group [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 135-147]
Feyzizadeh, M
Comparing of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) Method and Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) for Nutritional Balances of Onion (Allium cepa L.) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 271-286]
Forughyfar, H
Relation between Soil Evolution and Landforms Diversity in Dasht-E-Tabriz [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 191-204]
Fotovat, A
The Effect of Different Na/K Ratios in Soil Solution on Aggregate Tensile Strength and Friability [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 161-174]
Froughifar, H
Evaluation of Different Interpolation Methods in Spatial Estimation of Soil
Properties in Sistan Plain [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 151-162]
Ghaderi-Far, F
Investigation of Precipitation Sufficiency at Different Phenological Stages of Rainfed Cereals in the Agricultural Lands of Gorgan County by Classic and Geostatistical Interpolation Methods [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 249-263]
Ghahremannejad, M
Determining the Optimum Values of the Design Parameters for Furrow Irrigation
with WinSRFR3.1 Model (Case study: Sugarcane Fields of Southern Ahvaz) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 117-130]
Gharechelou, S
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Ghasemieh, H
Comparing the Performance of WetSpa Hydrological Model, Artificial
Neural Network and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System for Simulating River
Flow Discharge (Case Study: BalukhluchayWatershed, Ardabil Province) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 99-116]
Ghazmeh, S
Evaluation of Different Interpolation Methods in Spatial Estimation of Soil
Properties in Sistan Plain [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 151-162]
Ghobadian, R
Numerical Modeling of Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in Alluvial River
(Case Study: Gharasoo River in Kermanshah province) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 35-49]
Ghodsi, M
Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Wheat Growing Period and
Evapotranspiration Using the CERES-Wheat Model (Case Study: Mashhad) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 67-79]
Gholamalizadeh, A
Comparing Regression and Artificial Intelligence Models for Estimating Soil Exchangeable
Sodium Percentage from Sodium Absorption Ratio
(Case Study: Miankangi Region Soils, Sistan) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 125-137]
Gholamalizadeh, A
Evaluation of Different Interpolation Methods in Spatial Estimation of Soil
Properties in Sistan Plain [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 151-162]
Gholamalizadeh Ahangar, A
Effect of Biochar on Lead and Cadmium Uptake from Applied Paper Factory
Sewage Sludge by Sunflower (Heliantus annus L.) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Gholinezhad, E
Effects of Different Irrigation Levels and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Morphological Traits and Grain Yield of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Landraces [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 83-95]
Ghomeshi, M
Experimental Investigation of Collar Performance with Rough Surface on Local
Scour Reduction around Bridge Abutment with Rectangular Section [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 213-223]
Ghomeshi, M
The Influence of Bed Slope, Type of suspended particle and Current Advance
Distance on Density and Velocity Profiles of Density Currents [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 149-160]
Ghomeshi, M
Experimental Study on the Effect of Transverse Waves on Suspended Sediment Concentration at Downstream of Obstacles in a Staggered Arrangement [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Ghorbani, M
Effect of Biochar on Lead and Cadmium Uptake from Applied Paper Factory
Sewage Sludge by Sunflower (Heliantus annus L.) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Ghorbani, MA
Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based
Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Ghorbani, MA
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Ghorbani Golzari Nejad4, MA
Application of the Fuzzy Sets Theory and FAO Method on Suitability and
Clustering of Land Units in Marand region for Sunflower and Canola Products [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 273-2902]
Golchin, A
Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Quality and Clay Mineralogy
in Valarude Region of Zanjan Province [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 305-316]
Golchin, A
Organic Matter Quality and Clay Mineral Type of Soils on a Catena in
Deilaman Region of Guilan Province [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 161-172]
Goleij, H
The Influence of Bed Slope, Type of suspended particle and Current Advance
Distance on Density and Velocity Profiles of Density Currents [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 149-160]
Golmohammad, H
Study on Some Soil Properties as Affected by Different Slope Position and
Aspect in Mountainous Landform with Different Parent Materials in Masouleh [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Golshan, m
Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 29-42]
Golshani, Z
Evaluation and Comparison of Soil Fungi Ability in Biodegradation of Crude
Oil from Ahvaz and Omidiyeh's Oil Regions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 239-246]
Haghiabi, AH
The Influence of Bed Slope, Type of suspended particle and Current Advance
Distance on Density and Velocity Profiles of Density Currents [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 149-160]
Haji azizi, S
Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 155-165]
Hajimohammadi, A
Modeling Crump Weir Discharge Coefficient Using Machine Learning Methods [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 1-12]
Hakimzadeh, MA
Effect of Different Magnesium Concentration inWater on Soil Characteristics
and Determining the Critical Concentration [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 255-265]
Hami Kouchebagi, MR
Mathematical View Point to the wind speed parameter role in the FAO PenmanMonteith Equation for Calculating ET0 [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 1-14]
Hami Kouchebagi, MR
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 41-54]
Hasani, a
Effect of Ammonium Nitrate and Free Amino Acids on the Nitrate Accumulation in Radish [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 67-78]
Hasanpour, R
Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 25-37]
Hashemi, SAA
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Hassanzadeh, V
Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and
Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 145-159]
Hassanzadeh, Y
Performance Evaluation of the Robust Discordancy Measure
in L-moments Approach [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 221-235]
Hedayat bahrami, P
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 123-133]
Hedayat Bahrami1, P
Scour Control under Submerged Pipelines with Different Gaps under Unidirectional Flow Using Submerged Plate [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 179-190]
Heidari, L
Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 243-256]
Heidari, M
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Heidarpour, M
Estimating Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient of Pollutants in Open Channel
Flows Using Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Hejazi Mehrizi, M
An Investigation of Phosphorus Dynamics in a Calcareous Soil Treated with Different Levels of Poultry Manure and Chemical Fertilizer [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 293-303]
Hejazizadeh, A
Effect of Biochar on Lead and Cadmium Uptake from Applied Paper Factory
Sewage Sludge by Sunflower (Heliantus annus L.) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Homai, M
Developing and Evaluating some Derived Models for Modeling Simultaneous Water and Nitrogen Deficit Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 287-299]
Homayounfar, F
Estimating Free and Submerged Hydraulic Jump’s Length in Horizontal and Slopping Channels Using Support Vector Regression [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 51-62]
Hooshmand, AR
Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize
Using Saline Water in Ahvaz [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Hoseini, S
Experimental Investigation of Scour around Inclined Bridge Piers Group
Based on Piles Group [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 135-147]
Hoseini, Y
Application of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) to Determine the Nutritional Balance of Sour Lemon Gardens in Hormozgan Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 243-255]
Hoseinzadeh Dalir, A
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 123-133]
Hossein zadeh Dalir, A
Scour Control under Submerged Pipelines with Different Gaps under Unidirectional Flow Using Submerged Plate [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 179-190]
Hosseinzadeh Dalir, A
Experimental Study of Shape of Spur Dikes in Series to Control Scour
in River Bends [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Hosseinzadeh Dalir, A
Investigation of Hydraulic Characteristics of One-Side
Semi-Circular Labyrinth SideWeir [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 187-195]
Hosseinzadeh Dalir, A
An Experimental Study of Impact of Bridge Pier on Depth of Scour Hole in
Abutment [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Hosseinzadeh Dalir, A
Effect of Dimensions and Mesh Type of Anti-Vortex Horizontal Plates on Critical Submergence Reduction of Vertical Intakes [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 167-178]
Hosseinzadeh Dalir, A
Numerical Investigation of Velocity Profiles in Open Channels with Rough Bed [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 81-93]
Hosseinzadeh Dalir, A
Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and
Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 145-159]
Hosseinzadeh Dalir, A
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Hosseinzadeh Dalir, A
Simulation of Unsteady Flow in Irrigation Canals Using CanalMan Model
(Case Study: AMC Canal of Tabriz Plain Irrigation Network) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 287-298]
Hossienzade Dalir, Ali
Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 63-73]
Imani, R
Comparing the Performance of WetSpa Hydrological Model, Artificial
Neural Network and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System for Simulating River
Flow Discharge (Case Study: BalukhluchayWatershed, Ardabil Province) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 99-116]
Isazadeh, M
Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Evaluation of Weather Droughts of Iran Using
the Herbst Method [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 127-143]
Izadinia, E
Estimating Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient of Pollutants in Open Channel
Flows Using Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Jafari, F
Numerical Investigation of Velocity Profiles in Open Channels with Rough Bed [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 81-93]
Jafari, G
Laboratory Investigation of Spatial-Dependency of the Dispersivity in Two Kinds of Homogeneous Saturated Sandy Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 187-198]
Jafari, H
Prediction ofWater Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) using ANN andWavelet
Conjunction Model (Case Study: Rudbar Station of Sefidrud River) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 189-205]
Jafari, S
Application and Comparison of Parametric Pedotransfer Functions of van
Genuchten Model for Transient Water Flow Simulation in a Cultivated Soil [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 81-94]
Jafarzadeh, AA
Application of the Fuzzy Sets Theory and FAO Method on Suitability and
Clustering of Land Units in Marand region for Sunflower and Canola Products [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 273-2902]
Jafarzadeh, AA
Relation between Soil Evolution and Landforms Diversity in Dasht-E-Tabriz [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 191-204]
Jafarzadeh, AA
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evaluation of Land Suitability for Wheat, Barley, Maize and Sunflower in part of Khoy plain [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 15-29]
Jafarzadeh,, AA
Site Speciation of Susceptible Strata for Damask Rose Cultivation
(Case Study: Sarab Medicinal and Industrial Plants Seed Production Station) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 197-212]
Jahanbakhsh Asl, S
Prediction of Evaporation Potential through Data De-noising in Tabriz Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Jahanbazi, L
Relation between Soil Evolution and Landforms Diversity in Dasht-E-Tabriz [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 191-204]
Jahanshahi, A
Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 29-42]
Jalilian, A
Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizer applications on Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bahar) yield in Rotation with Sugar Beet [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 167-181]
Jalilian, Z
Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to
Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 69-78]
Jalilnazhad, N
Investigating Potentiality of IRS-P6 Images for Soil Salinity Modeling [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 177-187]
Jalilvand, P
Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Physiological
Parameters of Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) UnderWater Deficit Conditions [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 51-66]
Javan, M
Numerical Modeling of Flow Field around Bridge Pier with Compound
Geometry [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Javanmard, a
Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizer applications on Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bahar) yield in Rotation with Sugar Beet [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 167-181]
Javanmard, Z
Using Statistical and Hydrochemical Models for Qualitative Analysis of Groundwater Resources (Case Study: Mehraban plain, In East Azerbaijan) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 31-50]
Javanshir1, S
The Influence of Free Swelling Index on Improvement of the Soil Moisture
Curve Estimation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 93-113]
Jsfarzadeh, AA
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Kakeshpour, M
Numerical Simulation of Jet Flow and Investigation Effect of Triangular Shape
of Bucket, and Gate Opening Ratio on Flip Bucket Jet Flow Characters [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 291-303]
Kaki, M
Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Evaluation of Weather Droughts of Iran Using
the Herbst Method [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 127-143]
Kamkar Haghighi, AA
Determining Coefficients of Some Water Infiltration Models in Two Calcareous Soils of Bajgah Region in Fars Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 171-183]
Karami Moghadam, m
Numerical Simulation of Flow Diversion from an Intake at a Main Channel with Vertical and Inclined Bank Using Fluent [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Karandish, F
The Influence of Irrigation with Raw and Treated Municipal Wastewater on Wheat Yield and Microbial Characteristics of Soil and Plant [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 215-228]
Karimi, L
Basin and Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Methods of Dams (Case study: Shirin Darreh Dam) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 211-227]
Karimian, N
Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 157-169]
Kashani, S
Effect of Land Use Change from Rangeland to Agricultural Land on Soil
Fertility in Taftan Region [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 31-44]
Kashefipour, SM
The Influence of Bed Slope, Type of suspended particle and Current Advance
Distance on Density and Velocity Profiles of Density Currents [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 149-160]
Kashefipour, SM
Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Height, Density and Arrangement
of Artificial Roughness Elements on Manning Roughness Coefficient [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 67-80]
Kashefipour, SM
Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Permeable Spur Dike Length on Scour
Hole Dimensions in a Mild 90 Degrees Bend under Non-Submerged Conditions [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 163-175]
Katoorani, S
Laboratory Study on the Impact of Collision Angle of Flow on Scour under the Submerged Pipe [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 123-133]
Kaveh, F
Developing and Evaluating some Derived Models for Modeling Simultaneous Water and Nitrogen Deficit Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 287-299]
Kazemi, H
Investigation of Precipitation Sufficiency at Different Phenological Stages of Rainfed Cereals in the Agricultural Lands of Gorgan County by Classic and Geostatistical Interpolation Methods [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 249-263]
Kazemian, N
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
Khadkhodahosseini, A
Evaluation of SWAT and SVM Models to Simulate the Runoff of Lighvanchay River [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 137-150]
Khadkhodahosseini, M
Evaluation of SWAT and SVM Models to Simulate the Runoff of Lighvanchay River [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 137-150]
Khajehayzad, F
Performance of Water Supply Networks under Water Hammer Phenomenon Based on Sustainability Coefficient
(Case Study: Feridonshahr Water Supply Network) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 59-71]
Khajehpour, E
Basin and Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Methods of Dams (Case study: Shirin Darreh Dam) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 211-227]
Khalili, k
Performance Evaluation of ARMA and CARMA Models in Modeling Annual Precipitation of Urmia Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 13-28]
Khalili, K
Investigating Changes of Seasonal Precipitation Concentration of Iran in
Recent Half-Century [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 111-123]
Khalili, K
Application of Modified KPSS Test With Fourier Analysis in Stationarity Test of Hydrologic Time Series (Case Study: Lake Urmia Water Level) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 223-234]
Khalili Shayan, H
Developing a New Method for Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Sluice Gates under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 207-221]
Khamseh, A
The Relationships between Cu Contamination and Soil Characteristics in
Downstream of Mazra’eh Copper Mine (Ahar-East Azarbaijan) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 95-112]
Khanjani2, MJ
Application of One- and Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff and Infiltration Models for Maroon Valley Watershed in Fars Province [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 235-248]
Khan yaghma, M
Investigating Potentiality of IRS-P6 Images for Soil Salinity Modeling [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 177-187]
Kheial, S
Kinetics and Isotherm of Nitrate Sorption from Aqueous Solution Using Biochar [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 145-158]
Khodashenas, S.R
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of Parabolic Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 57-67]
Khodaverdiloo, H
Derivation of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Penetration Resistance,
Aggregate Stability and Parameters of van Genuchten Moisture Curve Model in
Fandoglou Forest Lands of Ardabil [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 129-148]
Khodaverdilou, H
Application and Comparison of Parametric Pedotransfer Functions of van
Genuchten Model for Transient Water Flow Simulation in a Cultivated Soil [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 81-94]
Khorassani, R
The Effect of Different Na/K Ratios in Soil Solution on Aggregate Tensile Strength and Friability [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 161-174]
Khorram, N
Multi-Objective Optimization of Detention Rockfill Dam Characteristics
Considering Hydraulic Conditions and Application of Borda Count Social
Choice and Nash- Harsanyi Bargaining Models [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 13-25]
Khorram del, S
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Khorsand, A
Evaluation of HYDRUS 2D Software to Estimate StoredWater and Wetting
Pattern of Surface Drip Irrigation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 287-301]
Khorshiddoust, AM
Prediction of Evaporation Potential through Data De-noising in Tabriz Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Khoshravesh, M
The Effect of Climate Change on Flood Frequency of Kelardasht Basin using K-nn and HadCM3 Model [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 211-221]
Khosravi, K
Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 201-214]
Khosroshahi, M
Effects of Six Chemical and Mineral Mulches on the Establishment and
Survival of Calligonum and Haloxylon [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 39-46]
Khozeymehnezhad, H
Laboratory Investigation of Adverse bed slope Effect on Incipient Motion of Non-cohesive sediment [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 47-56]
Khozeymehnezhad, H
Experimental Investigation of Collar Performance with Rough Surface on Local
Scour Reduction around Bridge Abutment with Rectangular Section [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 213-223]
Kiani, S
Hydraulic Jump in Stilling Basins with Perforated and Continuous Sills [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 183-192]
Kordnaeij, M
Numerical Investigating Effect of Obstacle’s Upstream Angle and Water Depth
of Reservoir on Controlling Turbidity Current [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 207-219]
Lalehzari, R
Simulating the Effect of Optimal Water Allocation on Groundwater in Monthly Stress Periods (Baghmalek Plain, Khuzestan Province) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 307-320]
Lashkar-Ara, B
Study of the Vertical Impinging Jet's Dynamic Behavior in Plunge Pool [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 1-11]
Lotfi, P
Experimental Investigation of Discharge Coefficient in Prismatic Weir-Gate [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 255-268]
Madani, O
Inoculation Effects of Potassium Releasing Bacteria on K Nutrition of
Tomato in Sand-Muscovite Medium and Identification of Efficient Isolates [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Mahdavi, Atefeh
Determination of Aquifer Vulnerability Potential based on DRASTIC and
FUZZY Logic Models (Case Study: Hamedan- Bahar Plain) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 1-17]
Ma hdizadeh, M
Effects of Soil Organic Matter on Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Phosphorous Sorption [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 19-37]
Mahtabi, G
Experimental Investigation of Discharge Coefficient in Prismatic Weir-Gate [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 255-268]
Majnooni Heris, A
Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 25-37]
Majnooni-Heris, A
Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to
Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 69-78]
Maksimava, N
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Wild form and Transformant Pseudomonas mendocina With Enhanced ACC Deaminase Production on Seed Germination and Growth of Tomato and Wheat Plants [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 149-158]
Malekian, A
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Manafi, S
Micromorphologic Study of Pores and Porosity of Some Saline-Sodic Soils
in theWest of Urmia Lake using Image Analysis [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 131-143]
Mansuri, B
Experimental Study of Shape of Spur Dikes in Series to Control Scour
in River Bends [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 69-81]
Marezi, M
Kinetics and Isotherm of Nitrate Sorption from Aqueous Solution Using Biochar [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 145-158]
Marzvan, S
Comparing the Influence of Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyle Acetate on Improving Soil Physical Properties and Wheat Germination in Marl Formations [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 91-104]
Matinkhah, SH
Effects of Hedysarum criniferum Boiss. as a Plant Symbiotic With Nitrogen Fixers on Some Chemical Properties of the Soil [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 129-140]
Mazloom Shahraki, R
Laboratory Investigation of Adverse bed slope Effect on Incipient Motion of Non-cohesive sediment [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 47-56]
Mehdinejadiani, B
Laboratory Investigation of Spatial-Dependency of the Dispersivity in Two Kinds of Homogeneous Saturated Sandy Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 187-198]
Memar, S
An Experimental Study of Impact of Bridge Pier on Depth of Scour Hole in
Abutment [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 59-67]
Merufinia, E
Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 201-214]
Mirabbasi Najafabadi, R
Determination of the Best Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Model for Estimating Grass Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Coastal
Semi-arid Climate of Hormozgan [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 239-258]
Mirabbasi Najaf Abadi, R
Trend Analysis of Precipitation in Northern Half of Iran during the Recent Half
of the Century [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 207-224]
Mirhashemi, H
Prediction of Evaporation Potential through Data De-noising in Tabriz Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 105-118]
Mirzaei, SH
Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 25-37]
Moeeni, H
Modeling the Monthly Inflow to Jamishan Dam Reservoir Using Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average and Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System
Models [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 273-285]
Moezzi, A
Effect of Salinity and Organic Matter on Distribution of Zinc Chemical Forms in a Calcareous Soil after Maize Cultivation [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 157-169]
Moezzi, A
Biosurfactant Production by Pseudomonas putida1694 in Various Carbon Sources [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 185-198]
Moghadam Vahed, M
Site Speciation of Susceptible Strata for Damask Rose Cultivation
(Case Study: Sarab Medicinal and Industrial Plants Seed Production Station) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 197-212]
Moghafddamnia, AR
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Mohajeri, P
Organic Matter Quality and Clay Mineral Type of Soils on a Catena in
Deilaman Region of Guilan Province [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 161-172]
Mohamadi Dizaj, H
The Effect of Zinc Sulfate on Biofortification and Morphological Changes in Spring Wheat [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 277-292]
Mohammadghasemi, F
Effects of Hedysarum criniferum Boiss. as a Plant Symbiotic With Nitrogen Fixers on Some Chemical Properties of the Soil [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 129-140]
Mollai, H
Hydrogeochemistry Studies and Assessment of Groundwater Quality Varations in Sngan-Khaf Plain Using GQI Index [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 325-336]
Momtaz, HR
Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Soils of Zanjan Industrial Region [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 223-236]
Monirifar, H
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Montaseri, M
Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Moosavi, AA
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium on Uptake of Some Micronutrients by Corn in a Cd-contaminated Soil under Water Deficit Stress Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 105-117]
Moravej, M
Application of Modified KPSS Test With Fourier Analysis in Stationarity Test of Hydrologic Time Series (Case Study: Lake Urmia Water Level) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 223-234]
Mosaddeghi, MR
Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available
Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 189-206]
Mousavi, AA
Determining Coefficients of Some Water Infiltration Models in Two Calcareous Soils of Bajgah Region in Fars Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 171-183]
Mousavi, SN
Investigation of Discharge Coefficient of Compound Arched Circular-Trapezoidal Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 19-39]
Naderi, A
Organic Matter Quality and Clay Mineral Type of Soils on a Catena in
Deilaman Region of Guilan Province [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 161-172]
Nael, M
The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 257-271]
Nahtni, M
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Najafi, N
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Najafi, NA
The Relationships between Cu Contamination and Soil Characteristics in
Downstream of Mazra’eh Copper Mine (Ahar-East Azarbaijan) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 95-112]
Najafi mood, M.H
Laboratory Investigation of Adverse bed slope Effect on Incipient Motion of Non-cohesive sediment [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 47-56]
Najafiyan, M
Interaction Effects of Organic Matters, Earthworm and Compaction on Pore Size Distribution and Moisture Coefficients of Two Fine and Coarse-textured Soils [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 281-293]
Najib, M
Investigating the Origin of Some Heavy Metals in Groundwater of Marand
Plain Using Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 237-253]
Naji rad, S
Isolation and Study of Indigenous Bacteria of the Contaminated Soils in Southern of Tehran Oil Refinery plant for Bioremediation of Oil ontaminations [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 175-185]
Nasehi Oskuei1, N
Effect of Dimensions and Mesh Type of Anti-Vortex Horizontal Plates on Critical Submergence Reduction of Vertical Intakes [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 167-178]
Nasr Esfahani, MJ
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Navaei, B
Experimental Study of Flip Bucket Effect at the End of Ogee Spillway on Energy Dissipation and Jet Length [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 133-142]
Nazari, B
Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Chemical Fertilizer applications on Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Bahar) yield in Rotation with Sugar Beet [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 167-181]
Nazemi, AH
Mathematical View Point to the wind speed parameter role in the FAO PenmanMonteith Equation for Calculating ET0 [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 1-14]
Nazemi, AH
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Soil Water Distribution under Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Level and Sloping Layered Soils [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 13-27]
Nazemi, AH
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 41-54]
Nazemi, A.H
Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table
Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 83-97]
Nazeri, M
Investigating Changes of Seasonal Precipitation Concentration of Iran in
Recent Half-Century [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 111-123]
Nazeri Tahroudi, m
Performance Evaluation of ARMA and CARMA Models in Modeling Annual Precipitation of Urmia Synoptic Station [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 13-28]
Nekooamal Kermani, M
Determination of the Best Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Model for Estimating Grass Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Coastal
Semi-arid Climate of Hormozgan [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 239-258]
Nematzadeh, GA
Physiological Study of Soil-Born Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields in Guilan and
Application of Efficient Strains in Improving Growth and Yield of Rice [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 247-258]
Neyishabouri, MR
Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based
Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Neyshabouri, MR
Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to
Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 69-78]
Neyshabouri, MR
Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available
Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 189-206]
Neyshabouri, MR
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Neyshabouri, MR
Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 25-37]
Niazmoradi, M
Investigation of Precipitation Sufficiency at Different Phenological Stages of Rainfed Cereals in the Agricultural Lands of Gorgan County by Classic and Geostatistical Interpolation Methods [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 249-263]
Nikoo, MR
Multi-Objective Optimization of Detention Rockfill Dam Characteristics
Considering Hydraulic Conditions and Application of Borda Count Social
Choice and Nash- Harsanyi Bargaining Models [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 13-25]
Nofarasti, Z
Effect of Different Magnesium Concentration inWater on Soil Characteristics
and Determining the Critical Concentration [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 255-265]
Nohani, E
Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 201-214]
Norouzian, Z
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Soil Water Distribution under Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Level and Sloping Layered Soils [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 13-27]
Nourani, B
Numerical Investigation of Foundation Drains Performance
in Decreasing Uplift Force of Concrete Gravity Dams [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 113-125]
Nourzadeh Haddad, m
Effect of Ammonium Nitrate and Free Amino Acids on the Nitrate Accumulation in Radish [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 67-78]
Nozari, H
Experimental Study of Drainage Water Salinity Changes at Intervals and
Various Depths of Drain in the Presence of Saline Groundwater [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 139-150]
Nozari, H
Evaluation of SWAT and SVM Models to Simulate the Runoff of Lighvanchay River [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 137-150]
Onnabi Milan, A
Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available
Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 189-206]
Ouri, A E
Comparing the Performance of WetSpa Hydrological Model, Artificial
Neural Network and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System for Simulating River
Flow Discharge (Case Study: BalukhluchayWatershed, Ardabil Province) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 99-116]
Oustan, S
Effects of Soil Organic Matter on Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Phosphorous Sorption [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 19-37]
Oustan, S
Inoculation Effects of Potassium Releasing Bacteria on K Nutrition of
Tomato in Sand-Muscovite Medium and Identification of Efficient Isolates [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Oustan, S
Determination of Iron Fractions and their Relations with Soil properties in Some Soils of East Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 205-215]
Oustan, S
The Relationships between Cu Contamination and Soil Characteristics in
Downstream of Mazra’eh Copper Mine (Ahar-East Azarbaijan) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 95-112]
Oustan, Sh
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evaluation of Land Suitability for Wheat, Barley, Maize and Sunflower in part of Khoy plain [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 15-29]
Oustan, SH
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Pakjo, M
Determining Coefficients of Some Water Infiltration Models in Two Calcareous Soils of Bajgah Region in Fars Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 171-183]
Panahi, M
Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Wheat Growing Period and
Evapotranspiration Using the CERES-Wheat Model (Case Study: Mashhad) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 67-79]
Papan, P
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 159-172]
Parsamehr, P
Investigation of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics on Rough Bed with Different Density and Arrangements of Roughness Elements [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 13-24]
Parsinejad, M
Developing and Evaluating some Derived Models for Modeling Simultaneous Water and Nitrogen Deficit Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 287-299]
Pashapoor, N
Determination of Iron Fractions and their Relations with Soil properties in Some Soils of East Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 205-215]
Pirestani, MR
Numerical Simulation of Jet Flow and Investigation Effect of Triangular Shape
of Bucket, and Gate Opening Ratio on Flip Bucket Jet Flow Characters [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 291-303]
Pourang, N
Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Height, Density and Arrangement
of Artificial Roughness Elements on Manning Roughness Coefficient [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 67-80]
Poustizadeh, N
Experimental Study on the Effect of Transverse Waves on Suspended Sediment Concentration at Downstream of Obstacles in a Staggered Arrangement [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Radmanesh2,, F
Trend Analysis of Precipitation in Northern Half of Iran during the Recent Half
of the Century [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 207-224]
Raei, B
The Effect of Measurement Method, Size and Shape of Box in Sliding Method on the Angle of Repose of Soil Particles [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 43-58]
Raei, R
The Role of Land Use Change on Some Soil Physicochemical Properties
(Case Study:Watershed Basin of Keyasar Galooga) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 159-171]
Rahimi, A
Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and PGPRs on Growth
Parameters and Nutrient Uptake of Sesame Seedling (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Rahimi, M
Evaluation and Optimization of Land Use Pattern (Case study: Golroudbar Watershed, Semnan Province) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 73-86]
Rahimian, MH
Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Wheat Growing Period and
Evapotranspiration Using the CERES-Wheat Model (Case Study: Mashhad) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 67-79]
Rahimifar, H
Numerical Modeling of Erosion and Sedimentation Patterns in Alluvial River
(Case Study: Gharasoo River in Kermanshah province) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 35-49]
Rahimzadeh, B
The Role of Clay Fraction in Retention of Dissolved Organic Carbon in soil [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 273-285]
Rahmani, M
Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectrometry Device in Saline Clay and Sandy
Soils [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 43-52]
Rahmati, F
Application of Fuzzy Inference System to Predict the Yield of Potato, Alfalfa and Wheat in Shahr-e-Kian area [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 265-275]
Rahmati, H
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 159-172]
Rajaei, T
Prediction ofWater Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) using ANN andWavelet
Conjunction Model (Case Study: Rudbar Station of Sefidrud River) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 189-205]
Ramezani, Y
Comparison of Turbulence Models for Estimation of Bed Shear Stress Around
Bridge Abutment in Compound Channel [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 95-109]
Ramezanpour, H
Study on Some Soil Properties as Affected by Different Slope Position and
Aspect in Mountainous Landform with Different Parent Materials in Masouleh [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Raoof, M
Estimating Hydrological and Hydrogeological Parameters of Watershed Using SWAT Model (Case study: Balukhlu-chay Basin) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 173-185]
Rasouli Majd, N
Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Rasouli-sadaghiani, MH
Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 299-324]
Rasouli-Sadaghiani, MH
Effects of Agronomic, Orchard and Forest Land Uses on Soil Quality Index (SQI) in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 141-153]
Rasoulzadeh, A
Application and Comparison of Parametric Pedotransfer Functions of van
Genuchten Model for Transient Water Flow Simulation in a Cultivated Soil [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 81-94]
Razmjoo,, M
Site Speciation of Susceptible Strata for Damask Rose Cultivation
(Case Study: Sarab Medicinal and Industrial Plants Seed Production Station) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 197-212]
Reyhanitabar, A
Effects of Soil Organic Matter on Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Phosphorous Sorption [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 19-37]
Reyhanitabar, A
Determination of Iron Fractions and their Relations with Soil properties in Some Soils of East Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 205-215]
Rezaee2,, B
Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Quality and Clay Mineralogy
in Valarude Region of Zanjan Province [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 305-316]
Rezaei, H
Comparison and Improvement of Surface Irrigation Design Methods
(Case Study Furrow Irrigation) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Rezaei, H
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Rezaei, M
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Rezaei1, M
Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Rezaerdinejad, V
Comparison and Improvement of Surface Irrigation Design Methods
(Case Study Furrow Irrigation) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Rezaie, H
Evaluation of Water Footprint of Crop Production Variability in Lake Urmia Basin using LMDI Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Rezaie, H
Effect of Underground Dam Construction on Discharge of Qanats,
Using MODFLOW Model (Case Study: Soofi - Makoo) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 295-305]
Rezapour, S
Study on Some Soil Properties as Affected by Different Slope Position and
Aspect in Mountainous Landform with Different Parent Materials in Masouleh [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 53-66]
REzazadeh, S
Evaluation of Different Interpolation Methods in Spatial Estimation of Soil
Properties in Sistan Plain [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 151-162]
Rezazadeh Joudi, R
Feasibility Study of Data Mining Methods Application to Estimate Aji Chai River’s Water Quality Classification [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 39-51]
Riahi, H
Investigating Abrupt Changes and Periodically Changes Pattern of Reference Evapotranspiration in Iran with Wavelet Analysis and Moving t Test [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 199-210]
Riahi, MR
The Role of Land Use Change on Some Soil Physicochemical Properties
(Case Study:Watershed Basin of Keyasar Galooga) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 159-171]
Roozban, E
Derivation of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Penetration Resistance,
Aggregate Stability and Parameters of van Genuchten Moisture Curve Model in
Fandoglou Forest Lands of Ardabil [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 129-148]
Roshanghar, K
Estimating Free and Submerged Hydraulic Jump’s Length in Horizontal and Slopping Channels Using Support Vector Regression [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 51-62]
Roshani, Elham
Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 63-73]
Rouhimoghaddam, E
Effect of Land Use Change from Rangeland to Agricultural Land on Soil
Fertility in Taftan Region [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 31-44]
Rouhparvar, B
Evaluation of Different Design Options Impact on Seepage and Stability Analysis of Golfaraj Dam [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 15-30]
Roushangar, K
Evaluation of Different Design Options Impact on Seepage and Stability Analysis of Golfaraj Dam [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 15-30]
Saadati, Z
Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Wheat Growing Period and
Evapotranspiration Using the CERES-Wheat Model (Case Study: Mashhad) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 67-79]
Saadatpour, A
Estimating Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient of Pollutants in Open Channel
Flows Using Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Sabri, M
Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based
Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Sabri, M
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Sadeghi, S
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Sadeghi Lari, A
Adaptive Evaluation of SPI, RDI and SDI Indices in Analyzing the Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Characteristics
(Case Study: Bam Plain) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 69-81]
Sadraddini, A
Calculation of the Reference Evapotranspiration based on the Statistical Analysis of Air Temperature (case study: Tabriz area) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 41-54]
Sadraddini, AA
Mathematical View Point to the wind speed parameter role in the FAO PenmanMonteith Equation for Calculating ET0 [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 1-14]
Sadraddini, AA
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Soil Water Distribution under Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Level and Sloping Layered Soils [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 13-27]
Saeedinia, M
Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize
Using Saline Water in Ahvaz [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Safari, AA
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Unsaturated Hydraulic
Conductivity Curves of Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
Safari Sinegani, A A
The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 257-271]
Safdari, F
Snowmelt Flow Modeling Based on the Modified Penman Monteith Equation [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 269-280]
Saghi, H
Basin and Reservoir Water Quality Improvement Methods of Dams (Case study: Shirin Darreh Dam) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 211-227]
Salahshour, A
Estimating Hydrological and Hydrogeological Parameters of Watershed Using SWAT Model (Case study: Balukhlu-chay Basin) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 173-185]
Salari Nik, Kh
The Effect of Plant Community Type on Soil Aggregate Size Distribution in Gonbad Watershed (Hamadan) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 257-271]
Salmasi, F
Determination of Discharge Coefficient in Gabion Weirs at Free and Submerged
Condition [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 115-127]
Salmasi, F
Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 155-165]
Salmasi, F
Numerical Investigation of Foundation Drains Performance
in Decreasing Uplift Force of Concrete Gravity Dams [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 113-125]
Salmasi, F
Experimental Investigation of Horseshoe-Shaped Spillway Hydraulics and
Effect of Spillway Length on Discharge Coefficient [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 145-159]
Salmasi, F
Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Alluvial Streams with Ripples in Various Hydraulic Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 63-73]
Salmasi2, F
Modeling Crump Weir Discharge Coefficient Using Machine Learning Methods [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 1-12]
Samadi, A
Numerical Study of Flow on Stepped Spillway and Its Comparison with Experimental Results [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 155-165]
SAmadi, A
Comparing of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) Method and Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) for Nutritional Balances of Onion (Allium cepa L.) [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 271-286]
Samadianfard, S
Modeling of Flow Friction Factor in Irrigation Pipes using Machine Learning
Methods and Comparing with Empirical Equations [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Sameni, A
Determining Coefficients of Some Water Infiltration Models in Two Calcareous Soils of Bajgah Region in Fars Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 171-183]
Sarai Tabrizi, M
Developing and Evaluating some Derived Models for Modeling Simultaneous Water and Nitrogen Deficit Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 287-299]
Sarani, F
Comparing Regression and Artificial Intelligence Models for Estimating Soil Exchangeable
Sodium Percentage from Sodium Absorption Ratio
(Case Study: Miankangi Region Soils, Sistan) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 125-137]
Sarcheshmeh, B
Evaluation of Salmas Plain Aquifer Vulnerability to Pollution Using DRASTIC Model and GIS [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 55-67]
Sarikhani, MR
Inoculation Effects of Potassium Releasing Bacteria on K Nutrition of
Tomato in Sand-Muscovite Medium and Identification of Efficient Isolates [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 259-271]
Sattari, MT
Modeling of Flow Friction Factor in Irrigation Pipes using Machine Learning
Methods and Comparing with Empirical Equations [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 45-57]
Sattari, MT
Modeling Crump Weir Discharge Coefficient Using Machine Learning Methods [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 1-12]
Sattari1, MT
Feasibility Study of Data Mining Methods Application to Estimate Aji Chai River’s Water Quality Classification [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 39-51]
Sedaghat, A
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Unsaturated Hydraulic
Conductivity Curves of Soils [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1-19]
Sedaghati, T
Evaluation of Different Design Options Impact on Seepage and Stability Analysis of Golfaraj Dam [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 15-30]
Servati, M
Application of the Fuzzy Sets Theory and FAO Method on Suitability and
Clustering of Land Units in Marand region for Sunflower and Canola Products [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 273-2902]
Seydali, GH
The Effect of Organic and Phosphorus Fertilizers Application on Chromium VI Accumulation in the Radish Irrigated with Contaminated Water [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 79-90]
Seyedian, SM
Numerical Simulation of Flow Diversion from an Intake at a Main Channel with Vertical and Inclined Bank Using Fluent [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Seyedmohammadi, J
Comparison of Fractal and Rosetta Approaches for Estimation of Soil Water Retention Curve [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 193-205]
Shabani, A
Comparing Regression and Artificial Intelligence Models for Estimating Soil Exchangeable
Sodium Percentage from Sodium Absorption Ratio
(Case Study: Miankangi Region Soils, Sistan) [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 125-137]
Shabanlou, S
Numerical Simulation of Flow Free Surface and Field in Circular Channel along
the SideWeir in Subcritical Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 225-238]
Shabanpour, M
Comparison of Fractal and Rosetta Approaches for Estimation of Soil Water Retention Curve [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 193-205]
Shaemi, A
Estimating and Evaluating the Trends of Annual Refrence Eevapotranspiration based on Influential Climatic Parameters in the North East of Iran [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 257-269]
Shafai Bajestan, M
Effects of Six-Leg Elements Row Quantity on Reduction of Cubic Bridge Pier Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 187-200]
Shafai Bejestan, M
Effect of Density and Depth of Six-Legged Elements Placement on Rectangular Abutment Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 119-135]
Shahbazi, A
Effects of Hedysarum criniferum Boiss. as a Plant Symbiotic With Nitrogen Fixers on Some Chemical Properties of the Soil [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 129-140]
Shahbazi, F
Application of the Fuzzy Sets Theory and FAO Method on Suitability and
Clustering of Land Units in Marand region for Sunflower and Canola Products [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 273-2902]
Shahbazi, F
Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based
Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Shahbazi, F
The Relationships between Cu Contamination and Soil Characteristics in
Downstream of Mazra’eh Copper Mine (Ahar-East Azarbaijan) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 95-112]
Shahbazi, F
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evaluation of Land Suitability for Wheat, Barley, Maize and Sunflower in part of Khoy plain [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 15-29]
Shahbazi, F
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Shahbazi, F
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Shahbazi,, F
Site Speciation of Susceptible Strata for Damask Rose Cultivation
(Case Study: Sarab Medicinal and Industrial Plants Seed Production Station) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 197-212]
Shahmohammadi-Kalalagh, Sh
Evaluation of Salmas Plain Aquifer Vulnerability to Pollution Using DRASTIC Model and GIS [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 55-67]
Shakeri, F
Calibration of Angstrom- Prescott Coefficients for Selected Stations of Khorasan-e Razavi Province [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 229-241]
Shariati, H
Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of Parabolic Sharp-Crested Weirs [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 57-67]
Sheikhloo, F
Effects of Agronomic, Orchard and Forest Land Uses on Soil Quality Index (SQI) in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 141-153]
Sheini Dashtegol, A
Determining the Optimum Values of the Design Parameters for Furrow Irrigation
with WinSRFR3.1 Model (Case study: Sugarcane Fields of Southern Ahvaz) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 117-130]
Sheini Dashtegol, A
Evaluating and Improving the Sugarcane Furrow Irrigation Management in Khuzestan [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 109-121]
Shekari, F
The Effect of Zinc Sulfate on Biofortification and Morphological Changes in Spring Wheat [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 277-292]
Shiekhzadeh, P
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Shirani, H
Application of Fuzzy Inference System to Predict the Yield of Potato, Alfalfa and Wheat in Shahr-e-Kian area [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 265-275]
Shokri Khoochak, S
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 159-172]
Sobhani, B
Assessing Ability of Land for Planting Canola inWest Azerbaijan Province
Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approaches [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 27-41]
Soltani, AA
Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Growth and Physiological
Parameters of Basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.) UnderWater Deficit Conditions [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 51-66]
Soltani, N
Physiological Study of Soil-Born Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields in Guilan and
Application of Efficient Strains in Improving Growth and Yield of Rice [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 247-258]
Soltani Mohammadi, A
Applicability of CWSI Index for Irrigation Scheduling of Maize
Using Saline Water in Ahvaz [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 173-185]
Soltani Toolarood, AA
Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 93-104]
Soodaee Mashaee, S
Physiological Study of Soil-Born Cyanobacteria of Rice Fields in Guilan and
Application of Efficient Strains in Improving Growth and Yield of Rice [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 247-258]
Sotoodeh, P
Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and PGPRs on Growth
Parameters and Nutrient Uptake of Sesame Seedling (Sesamum indicum L.) [Volume 26, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 21-34]
Tabatabaei, SM
The Influence of Irrigation with Raw and Treated Municipal Wastewater on Wheat Yield and Microbial Characteristics of Soil and Plant [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 215-228]
Taghizadeh, z
Comparison and Improvement of Surface Irrigation Design Methods
(Case Study Furrow Irrigation) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 53-66]
Taheri, M
Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Soils of Zanjan Industrial Region [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 223-236]
Tahmourespour, A
Evaluation and Comparison of Soil Fungi Ability in Biodegradation of Crude
Oil from Ahvaz and Omidiyeh's Oil Regions [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 239-246]
Tohidlu, S
Comparing the Influence of Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyle Acetate on Improving Soil Physical Properties and Wheat Germination in Marl Formations [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 91-104]
Vadiati, Meysam
Groundwater Quality Ranking of Sarab Plain for Drinking Purpose Using Entropy Method [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 1-13]
Vaezi, AR
Comparing the Influence of Polyacrylamide and Polyvinyle Acetate on Improving Soil Physical Properties and Wheat Germination in Marl Formations [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 91-104]
Vahabzadeh, G
The Role of Land Use Change on Some Soil Physicochemical Properties
(Case Study:Watershed Basin of Keyasar Galooga) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 159-171]
Vaheddost, B
Effect of Underground Dam Construction on Discharge of Qanats,
Using MODFLOW Model (Case Study: Soofi - Makoo) [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 295-305]
Valizadeh, K
Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based
Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs) [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Valizadeh, M
Interaction Effects of Zinc and Cadmium on Growth and Chemical Composition of Canola (Brassica napus cv. Hyola) in a Loamy Sand Soil [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 237-254]
Valizadeh Kamran, kh
Genetically Evolution of Arasbaran Forests Soils along Altitudinal Transects of Kaleybar Chai Sofla Sub-Basin [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 151-166]
Valizadeh Kamran, KH
Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 75-91]
Varnaseri Ghand Ali, M
Biosurfactant Production by Pseudomonas putida1694 in Various Carbon Sources [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 185-198]
Vatankhah, A
Developing a New Method for Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Sluice Gates under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 207-221]
Yari, Y
Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Soils of Zanjan Industrial Region [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 223-236]
Yasrebi, J
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium on Uptake of Some Micronutrients by Corn in a Cd-contaminated Soil under Water Deficit Stress Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 105-117]
Yazdanfar, SH
Numerical Investigating Effect of Obstacle’s Upstream Angle and Water Depth
of Reservoir on Controlling Turbidity Current [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 207-219]
Yousefi Mobarhan, E
Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verification of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed) [Volume 26, 2-1, 2016, Pages 101-113]
Zahiri, A
Analysis of Flow in River Cross Section Using Finite Elements Method [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 229-241]
Zakeri Niri, M
Numerical Simulation of Jet Flow and Investigation Effect of Triangular Shape
of Bucket, and Gate Opening Ratio on Flip Bucket Jet Flow Characters [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 291-303]
Zakermoshfegh, M
Study of the Vertical Impinging Jet's Dynamic Behavior in Plunge Pool [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 1-11]
Zali, A
Experimental Study of Drainage Water Salinity Changes at Intervals and
Various Depths of Drain in the Presence of Saline Groundwater [Volume 26, 2-2, 2016, Pages 139-150]
Zare Abyaneh, Hamid
Determination of Aquifer Vulnerability Potential based on DRASTIC and
FUZZY Logic Models (Case Study: Hamedan- Bahar Plain) [Volume 26, 1-1, 2016, Pages 1-17]
Zare Haggi, D
Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available
Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 189-206]
Zarehaghi, D
Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to
Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 69-78]
Zare haghi, Davod
Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 25-37]
Zarei, M
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium on Uptake of Some Micronutrients by Corn in a Cd-contaminated Soil under Water Deficit Stress Conditions [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 105-117]
Zehtab Salmasi, S
Effects of Nitrogen on Growth and Some Morphological Traits of Inoculated
Savory Plant (Satureja hortensis L.) with Azospirillum irakense and
Pseudomonas putida [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 79-91]
Zeinalzadeh, K
Evaluation of HYDRUS 2D Software to Estimate StoredWater and Wetting
Pattern of Surface Drip Irrigation [Volume 26, 1-2, 2016, Pages 287-301]
Zeinivand, H
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 159-172]
Zemestani, H
Simulation of Unsteady Flow in Irrigation Canals Using CanalMan Model
(Case Study: AMC Canal of Tabriz Plain Irrigation Network) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 287-298]
Zeynali, Mohammad
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evaluation of Land Suitability for Wheat, Barley, Maize and Sunflower in part of Khoy plain [Volume 26, 3-2, 2016, Pages 15-29]
Ziaee, AN
Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed) [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 159-172]
Zilai, Z
Effects of Six-Leg Elements Row Quantity on Reduction of Cubic Bridge Pier Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.2, 2017, Pages 187-200]
Zolghadr, M
Effect of Density and Depth of Six-Legged Elements Placement on Rectangular Abutment Scour Depth [Volume 26, 4.1, 2016, Pages 119-135]
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