Main Subjects = Hhydrology
Bivariate Frequency Analyses of flood and Sediment Discharge Using Copulas

Volume 34, Issue 3, August 2024, Pages 227-241


Alireza Jalalifard; Ommolbanin bazrafshan; Navazollah Moradi; Zohre Pakdaman; Marziye Shekari

Introducing a Method to Reduce the Mass Balance Error in the Numerical Solution of the Richards Equation

Volume 34, Issue 3, August 2024, Pages 243-262


Mohammad Reza Hami Kouchebaghi; Teymour Sohrabi; Arezoo Nazi Ghameshlou Nazi Ghameshlou

Trend Analysis of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Urmia Lake Basin

Volume 27, Issue 1, June 2017, Pages 267-279

O Babamiri1; Y Dinpashoh2

Evaluation of Salmas Plain Aquifer Vulnerability to Pollution Using DRASTIC Model and GIS

Volume 26, Issue 4.2, March 2017, Pages 55-67

B Sarcheshmeh; Sh Shahmohammadi-Kalalagh

Hydrological Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melting in Semi-Arid and Mountainous Watersheds (Case study: Bar Arye Watershed)

Volume 26, Issue 4.2, March 2017, Pages 159-172

H Rahmati; H Zeinivand; H Ansari; AN Ziaee; P Papan; S Shokri Khoochak

Evaluation of Statistical Index Method in Flood Susceptibility Mapping

Volume 26, Issue 4.2, March 2017, Pages 201-214

E Merufinia; E Nohani; K Khosravi; K Chapi

Analysis of Rainfall Trend and Evaluation of Weather Droughts of Iran Using the Herbst Method

Volume 26, Issue 3, December 2016, Pages 127-143

M Isazadeh; M Kaki; A Fakherifard

Performance Evaluation of SWAT and IHACRES Models to Simulate Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed

Volume 26, 2-1, September 2016, Pages 29-42

m Golshan; A Esmali Ouri; K shahedi; A Jahanshahi

Efficiency of Flow-Duration Curves Method for Verifi‌‌cation of a Hydrological Model (Case Study: Zola-Chay Watershed)

Volume 26, 2-1, September 2016, Pages 101-113

E Yousefi Mobarhan; K Farahmand; N Fahim; e Fahim

Investigating Changes of Seasonal Precipitation Concentration of Iran in Recent Half-Century

Volume 26, 2-2, September 2016, Pages 111-123

M Nazeri; K Khalili; J Behmanesh

Long- term Precipitation Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling Model

Volume 26, 2-1, September 2016, Pages 115-127

M Rezaei1; M Nahtni; AR Moghafddamnia; A Abkar; M Rezaei

Performance Evaluation of the Robust Discordancy Measure in L-moments Approach

Volume 26, 2-2, September 2016, Pages 221-235

a Abdi; Y Hassanzadeh

Modeling the Effects of Consumption and Precipitation on the Water Table Oscillations (Case Study: Ajabshir Aquifer)

Volume 26, 1-1, June 2016, Pages 83-97

M Abdolahzadeh; A Fakheri Fard; E Asadi; A.H Nazemi

Trend Analysis of Precipitation in Northern Half of Iran during the Recent Half of the Century

Volume 26, 1-2, June 2016, Pages 207-224

F Ahmadi; F Radmanesh2,; R Mirabbasi Najaf Abadi