Main Subjects = Soil biology and biotechnology
Stimulating the growth and development of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with Trichoderma fungi and their effect on the alliviating of salinity stress

Volume 34, Issue 3, August 2024, Pages 51-69


Ali Asghar Aliloo; Zahra Rezaloo; samira shahbazi; Mansour sarajuoghi; Esmaeil Karimi

Sorption Isotherms of Iron in Alive and Dead Masses of Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas putida

Volume 34, Issue 3, August 2024, Pages 89-104


nooshin varmazyar; ََAli Akbarali Safari Sinegani

Pollution induced community tolerance (PICT) in soil microorganisms subjected to the oxy-tetracycline

Volume 34, Issue 3, August 2024, Pages 199-213


Masumeh Hasanalizadeh; Naser Aliasgharzad; shahin oustan

Modeling Phosphate Solubilization by Pseudomonas fluorescens Using Response Surface Methodology

Volume 26, Issue 4.2, March 2017, Pages 299-324

S Ashrafi-Saeidlou; MH Rasouli-sadaghiani; F Asadzadeh; M Barin

Effects of Seed Priming with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress

Volume 26, 3-2, December 2016, Pages 93-104

S Bahadori; B Esmaielpour; AA Soltani Toolarood; M Heidari; S Khorram del; P Abbaszadeh; P Shiekhzadeh

Biosurfactant Production by Pseudomonas putida1694 in Various Carbon Sources

Volume 26, 3-2, December 2016, Pages 185-198

M Varnaseri Ghand Ali; A Moezzi; N Enayatizamir

Effect of Water Deficit Stress and Nitrogen on Yield and Compatibility Metabolites of Two Medium Maturity Corn Cultivars

Volume 20, Issue 2, August 2010, Pages 29-45

S Mansouri-Far; SAM Modares Sanavy; Kh Mohammadi

Effect of Organic, Biological and Chemical Fertilizers on Chickpea Grain Yield and Quality

Volume 19, Issue 1, May 2009, Pages 213-234

A Ghalavand; Kh Mohammadi; M Agha Alikhani; Y Sohrabi