Main Subjects = Soil Physics
Impact of Oil Contamination and Physical Weathering on Water Repellency and Hydraulic Properties of Sandy Loam and Clay Loam Soils

Volume 34, Issue 2, June 2024, Pages 136-155


Azam Moradi; Mohammad Reza Mosaddeghi; Elham Chavoshi; Azadeh Safadoust; Mohsen Soleimani

Determining homogeneous areas of water storage capacity using concepts of algebraic maps

Volume 34, Issue 2, June 2024, Pages 223-238


maryam shakouri katigari; Mahmoud Shabanpour; naser Davatgar; Majid Vazifehdoust

Investigating the Relationship between Confined Compression Curve and Least Limiting Water Range

Volume 26, Issue 4.2, March 2017, Pages 243-256

L Heidari; H Bayat; G Ebrahim Zade

Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network

Volume 26, 3-2, December 2016, Pages 75-91

M Sabri; MR Neyshabouri; MA Ghorbani; F Shahbazi; KH Valizadeh Kamran; A Farajnia

Effect of Consolidation on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in a Clayey Soil

Volume 26, 3-2, December 2016, Pages 119-132

Kazem Badv; M Farshbaf

Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs)

Volume 26, 1-2, June 2016, Pages 173-187

M Sabri; MR Neyishabouri; MA Ghorbani; F Shahbazi; K Valizadeh

Comparison of Fractal and Rosetta Approaches for Estimation of Soil Water Retention Curve

Volume 26, Issue 4.1, February 2016, Pages 193-205

L Esmaeelnejad; J Seyedmohammadi; M Shabanpour

Corn Response to Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR) at Two Compaction Levels in a Clay Loam Soil

Volume 25, Issue 3, December 2015, Pages 65-74

MR Neyshabouri; d Neyshabouri; N Najafi; S Yazdani; M Sadeghzadehreihan

Effect of Urban Sewage Sludge Application on Soil Water Repellency and Water Retention Curve

Volume 25, Issue 3, December 2015, Pages 75-90

N Nourmahnad; SH Tabatabaei; mr Nouri Emamzade; Sh Ghorbani Dashtaki; AR Hoshmand

Estimating Saturated and Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivities of Sloping Lands under Steady and Transient States

Volume 20, Issue 4, January 2011, Pages 33-46

M Raoof; AH Nazemi; SAA Sadraddini; S Maroofi

Coeficients of Kostiakov, Modified Kostiakov and Philip Infiltration Models on the Basis of Soil Bulk Density and Initial Water Content

Volume 19, Issue 2, May 2009, Pages 57-69

MR Neyshabouri; A Fakhery-Fard; D Farsadizade; N Sadeghian; J Kheiry

Measuring and Modeling Root Water Uptake in Soil

Volume 19, Issue 2, May 2009, Pages 113-128

S Besharat; AH Nazemi; AA Sadraddini