Author = Sohrabi, T
Introducing a Method to Reduce the Mass Balance Error in the Numerical Solution of the Richards Equation

Volume 34, Issue 3, August 2024, Pages 243-262


Mohammad Reza Hami Kouchebaghi; Teymour Sohrabi; Arezoo Nazi Ghameshlou Nazi Ghameshlou

Development of a model for the water harvesting according to natural conditions appropriate structures

Volume 31, Issue 4, December 2022, Pages 111-126


Mohammad Reza Hami Kouchebaghi; Teymour sohrabi; ali reza Tavakoli; Arezoo Nazi Ghameshlou

Patterning Different Crops Yield with Saline Water Irrigation Condition Using SWAP Model

Volume 20, Issue 4, January 2011, Pages 97-111

VR Verdinejad; T Sohrabi; M Feizi; N Heydari; SH Araghinejad

Climate Change Impact onWheat Yield and Analysis of the Related Risks:(Case Study: Esfahan Ruddasht Region)

Volume 20, Issue 3, November 2010, Pages 135-150

B Ababaei; T Sohrabi; F Mirzaei; V Rezaverdinejad; B Karimi

Laboratory Study of Influence of Clay Content on the Need for Subsurface Drainage System Envelope

Volume 20, Issue 1, May 2010, Pages 123-135

H Ojaghlou; T Sohrabi; H Rahimi; A HassanOghli; M Ghobadinia