Author = Reyhanitabar, Adel
Distribution of Different Forms of Lead, Zinc, Cadmium and Copper in a Contaminated Calcareous Soil

Volume 30, Issue 4, January 2021, Pages 59-73


Manoochehr Ghanbari Yamchi; shahin oustan; Adel Reyhanitabar

Kinetics of DTPA extraction of Copper from Calcareous Soils of East Azerbaijani Province

Volume 29, Issue 3, October 2019, Pages 181-195

A Reyhanitabar; E Abdolmaleki; N Najafi; SH Oustan

Evaluation of Some Extraction methods for Determination of Corn Available Phosphorus in Some Calcareous Soils of East Azerbaijan Province

Volume 24, Issue 2, April 2014, Pages 199-214

Mohammad reza Maqsoodi; Adel Reyhanitabar; Nosratollah Najafi

Kinetics of Manganese Release From Some Calcareous Soils of Iran

Volume 20, Issue 2, August 2010, Pages 131-142

A Reyhanitabar