Author = Farsadizadeh, Davood
Simultaneous effects of submerged vanes and collar on scour reduction around rectangular piers with rounded nose

Volume 22, Issue 3, October 2012, Pages 87-101

Seyed Hossin Hosseini; Ali Hosseinzadeh dalir; Davood Farsadizadeh; Hadi Arvanaghi; Mohammadali Ghorbani

Application of Artificial Neural Network to Estimate Hydraulic Jump Characteristics in Divergent Rectangular Sections on Inverse Slope

Volume 22, Issue 3, October 2012, Pages 115-126

Zahra Shojaeian; Ali Hosseinzadeh dalir; Mehdi Daryaee; Seyed Mahmood Kashefipour; Daood Farsadizadeh

Effect of Horizontal Drain on the Stability of Homogeneous Earth Dam Under Rapid Drawdown Conditions

Volume 22, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 107-119

A Malekpour; D Farsadizade; A Hosseinzadeh Dalir; J Sadr Karimi