Author = Neyishabouri, MR
Estimation of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration Using Random Forest Optimized by Genetic Algorithm

Volume 33, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 33-53


Sanaz Monavar Sabegh; davoud ZAREHAGHI; Saeed Samadianfard; Mohammad Reza Neishabouri; Fatemeh Mikaeili

Estimation of Daily Evaporation from Class A Pan using Five Data Mining Methods (Case Study: Tabriz Synoptic Station)

Volume 33, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 167-184


Khadigeh Seifzadeh; davoud ZAREHAGHI; Saeed Samadianfard; Mohammad Reza Neyshabouri; Fatemeh Mikaeili

Study of Different Rainfall Intensities on Soil Micromorphological Characteristics

Volume 27, Issue 2, July 2017, Pages 105-117

zahra Dibaei; A J; MR N; Ahmad Jahangiri

Improved Index Points of Soil Moisture Retention Curve Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data and the Use of Bayesian Networks and Artificial Neural Network

Volume 26, 3-2, December 2016, Pages 75-91

M Sabri; MR Neyshabouri; MA Ghorbani; F Shahbazi; KH Valizadeh Kamran; A Farajnia

Determining Crop Coefficient of Corn and Bean in Intercropping in Order to Increase the Precision of Irrigation Planning

Volume 26, 1-2, June 2016, Pages 69-78

D Zarehaghi; MR Neyshabouri; A Majnooni-Heris; Z Jalilian

Estimation of soil quality indices and its uncertainty using Bootstrap-based Artificial Neural Networks (BANNs)

Volume 26, 1-2, June 2016, Pages 173-187

M Sabri; MR Neyishabouri; MA Ghorbani; F Shahbazi; K Valizadeh

Relationships between LeafWater Potential, Stress-Degree-Day and Available Water Depletion in Almond Tree under Salinity Stress

Volume 26, 1-2, June 2016, Pages 189-206

A Onnabi Milan; MR Neyshabouri; MR Mosaddeghi; D Zare Haggi

Determination of Single and Basal Crop Coefficients of Borage Medicinal Plant in the Region of Karkaj in Tabriz

Volume 26, Issue 4.1, February 2016, Pages 25-37

Davod Zare haghi; MR Neyshabouri; A Majnooni Heris; R Hasanpour; SH Mirzaei

Corn Response to Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR) at Two Compaction Levels in a Clay Loam Soil

Volume 25, Issue 3, December 2015, Pages 65-74

MR Neyshabouri; d Neyshabouri; N Najafi; S Yazdani; M Sadeghzadehreihan

Effects of Soil Water Repellency on Infiltration Characteristics of Two Sandy Loam and Clay Loam Soils

Volume 25, Issue 2, October 2015, Pages 181-192

H Beyrami; MR Neyshabouri; AM Nazemi; F Abbasi4

Determination of evapotranspiration, crop coefficient and growth stages of canola by lysimetric data

Volume 25, Issue 1, May 2015, Pages 153-163

A Majnooni-Heris; AH Nazemi; AA Sadraddini; MR Neyshabouri; MR Shakiba

Combined Effect of Soil Salinity and Compaction on Some Growth Indices of Corn

Volume 25, Issue 1, May 2015, Pages 247-260

R Hassanpour; MR Neyshabouri; D Zarehaggi

Effects of Soil-to-Solution Ratio on Sorption-Desorption Isotherms of Zinc in a Sandy Soil

Volume 24, Issue 4, February 2015, Pages 61-75

H Ramezanzadeh; S Oustan; MR Neyshabouri; A Reyhanitabar

Hydromulch and Polyacrylamide Effects on Runoff Control, Sediment Yield and N, P, K Losses in Laboratory Conditions

Volume 24, Issue 4, February 2015, Pages 247-259

Qmars Abbasi; MR Neyshabori; Sh Oustan; Abbas Ahmadi

Release of Zn, Pb and Cd from Some Contaminated Soils by EDTA Using Batch Method

Volume 24, Issue 1, April 2014, Pages 115-128

S Heidari; SH Oustan; MR Neyshaboori; A Reyhanitabar; A Bybordi

Evaluation of Rainwater harvesting Methods in Increasing Soil Moisture and Pistachio Seedling Growth

Volume 23, Issue 4, March 2014, Pages 203-214

Mohammad Ebrahim Sadeghzadehreihan; Davood Zarehaghghi; Mohammad Reza Neyshabouri

Effects of Polyacrylamide, Pumice and Municipal Compost on Some Physical and Chemical Characteristics of a Saline-Sodic Clay Soil

Volume 23, Issue 3, October 2013, Pages 79-92

Fatemeh Zabihi; Mohammadreza Neyshabouri; Mohammadreza Dalalian

Influence of Advection on Energy Balance in Canola Crop Evapotranspiration Process in Tabriz Region

Volume 23, Issue 1, May 2013, Pages 223-236

Abolofazl Majnooni Heris; Ali Ashraf Sadraddini; Amir Hossein Nazemi; Mohammadreza Neyshaburi; Mohammadreza Shakiba

Determination of Non-Limiting Water Range for Seedling Growth of Pistachio at Two Levels of Soil Compaction

Volume 22, Issue 3, October 2012, Pages 59-71

ُِِِِِِِِِِِDavood Zarehaghghi; Mohammadreza Neyshabouri; Manuchehr Gorji; Hasan Monirifar; Mahdi Shorafa