Author = Hassanzadeh, U
Performance Evaluation of the Robust Discordancy Measure in L-moments Approach

Volume 26, 2-2, September 2016, Pages 221-235

a Abdi; Y Hassanzadeh

Dam-Break Flood Waves Analysis and The Floodplain Mapping using Mathematical Model (Case Study: Vanyar Dam)

Volume 25, 1-4, February 2015, Pages 1-15

Y Hassanzadeh; V Nourani; V Sepehri; H Delafrouz; M Hassanzadeh; F Almaspoor

Application of Multi Criteria Analysis to Select the Best Fit Flood Frequency Distribution (Case Study of Mahabad River)

Volume 25, 1-4, February 2015, Pages 83-98

Osman Mohammadpour; Yousef Hasanzadeh; Ahmad Khodadadi; Bahram Sagafiyan

Uncertainty Analysis for Determining Density of Deposits in Dams' Reservoirs

Volume 23, Issue 1, May 2013, Pages 27-37

farhad Imanshoar; yousef Hassanzadeh; Mohammad taghi Alami; Ali Danandeh mehr