Author = Jafarzadeh, Ali Asghar
Evaluation and Determination of the Most Effective Index on Soil Sensitivity to the Surface Sealing Using Ridge Regression

Volume 34, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 149-162


Zhila Asadi Fard; Abbas Ahmadi; Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh; alidad karami; Siamak AlaviKia

Investigating the Mineralogical characteristics of Dusts Resulted from Wind Erosion of Urmia Lake East Shore Soils using a closed circuit Wind Tunnel

Volume 33, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 115-132


elham ganbarie; aliasghar jafarzadeh; shahin oustan; Abbas Ahmadi; Farzin Shahbazi

Study of Soil Evolution at Different Geomorphic Surfaces of an Elevation-Climatic Profile in Southeast of Ardabil

Volume 31, Issue 4, December 2022, Pages 85-98


afshin mohammadi; Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh; shahin oustan; Farzin Shahbazi

Priority of different irrigation systems using parametric method in Ahar region

Volume 32, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 71-83


Farzaneh Najafi agamirluo; Farzin Shahbazi; Ali Asgar jafarzadeh; Abolfazl Majnooni-Heris

Study of Soil Diversity and Evolution in Different Elevation Surfaces of Western Hillsides of Talesh Mountain

Volume 31, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 89-102


afshin mohammadi; Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh; shahin oustan; Farzin Shahbazi

Study of Different Rainfall Intensities on Soil Micromorphological Characteristics

Volume 27, Issue 2, July 2017, Pages 105-117

zahra Dibaei; A J; MR N; Ahmad Jahangiri

Comparsion of different soils evolution based on Argillic horizon development

Volume 27, Issue 1, June 2017, Pages 253-265

V Montakhabi Kalajahi; AA Jafarzadeh2; H Rezaei

Relation between Soil Evolution and Landforms Diversity in Dasht-E-Tabriz

Volume 26, 2-1, September 2016, Pages 191-204

L Jahanbazi; AA Jafarzadeh; H Forughyfar

Effect of Different Landforms on Soil Micromorphological Properties in Tabriz Plain

Volume 23, Issue 3, October 2013, Pages 1-12

Vida Montakhabi; Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh; Farzin Shahbazi; Hamed Froghifar

Evolution of Gypsum and its Pedofeatures in Soils on Pediment and Flood-Plain, South of Ahar Region, East Azerbaijan, Iran

Volume 23, Issue 2, August 2013, Pages 59-70

Moslem Servati; Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh; Ahmad Heidari; Farzin Shahbazi

Effect of Vegetation on soil Micromorphological Properties (Case Study: Karkaj research station)

Volume 23, Issue 1, May 2013, Pages 83-94

Hossein Rezaei; Ali Asghar Jafarzadeh; farzin Shahbazi

Assessment of Susceptible Land for Some Agricultural Crops in Some Regions of West Azerbaijan Province using Geographical Information System

Volume 23, Issue 1, May 2013, Pages 165-176

Ahmad Pakpour Rabati; Aliasghar Jafarzadeh; Farzin Shahbazi; Parviz Ammari